Charities in Plymouth

A charity is a not-for-profit organisation; therefore, their primary purpose is not to make money.
To function as a charity, they must register with the Charity Commission and have charitable purposes defined in their governing documents.
For more information about charities, please view the Charity Commission website.
To find out more about how they can help you, please contact them using the phone number, email, or website address they have provided.

Devon and Cornwall Furniture Reuse Project
We are a charity that donates furniture to those in need - such as families who are victims of domestic violence or homelessness among others. We will do all we can to help anyone in need.

Devon Mind
Devon Mind is an independent mental health charity affiliated with the National Mind Association. We provide advice, information, and support to empower anyone living in Devon who may be experiencing a mental health problem

Devonport Activity Centre - Routeways
We deliver a range of fun, challenging activities for disabled children and young people, offering access to a natural environment in the heart of the City.

Diabetes UK South West
Working to raise awareness, improve care and provide help, support and information for people with diabetes and their families in the south west and south central region.

Disability Focus
Disability Focus is a not-for-profit established in 2007 with the objective to support individuals manage their care package. We offer a wide range of services which are designed to help you maintain your independence.

Disability Football Plymouth Argyle
As part of the Every Player Counts programme funded by Wembley National Stadium Trust, we provide courses and programmes for a wide range of disabilities. Through the project, we aim to improve accessibility, barriers to participation and provide fun, progressive and some competitive programmes for people with disabilities.

Down's Syndrome - Plymouth and Area Support Group
Down's syndrome is caused by the presence of an extra chromosome in a baby's cells. In the majority of cases, Down's syndrome is not an inherited condition. Down's syndrome usually occurs because of a chance happening at the time of conception. Children and adults with Down's syndrome are all unique individuals with their own personalities, family backgrounds and preferences that make them who they are.

Dyspraxia Foundation
Dyspraxia is a lifelong condition affecting gross and fine motor coordination in adults and children. Many may experience difficulties with organisational skills, memory, processing speed and, in some cases, speech. The Dyspraxia Foundation is committed to making the teaching and medical professions more aware of dyspraxia; and to spread understanding of how those who have the condition can be helped. The Foundation seeks every opportunity to increase understanding of Dyspraxia.

Education Otherwise Association
Education Otherwise is an organisation run by volunteers which provides support and information for families whose children are being educated outside school or for those who are considering home education their children.

Elder Tree Befriending
Elder Tree helps older people lead full and independent lives and offers them opportunities that most thought had passed them by.

Enham Trust
Enham Trust is a disability charity that provides services to over 6,500 disabled people each year that focus on individual's abilities, enabling them to live a life of independence, choice and control.

Family Matters
Family Matters is a family therapy charity aims to support and help families who may be experiencing difficulties with close relationships or demonstrating hurtful or harmful behaviour.

Friends and Families of Special Children
Friends and Families of Special Children is a Plymouth based charity covering the city of Plymouth and the surrounding area. We support families who have children that experience all forms of disabilities, additional needs and difficulties.

Girl Guiding Devon
We are the largest county in the South West and offer a wealth of opportunities for girls, young women and adults on a regular basis. We have units all over Devon offering weekly meetings, camps, holidays, activity days, social evenings, international travel, etc - all that we can offer is far too extensive to list here.

Guide Dogs for the Blind Association (UK)
Our experts can help you to live actively, independently and well with sight loss. Whether you're asking for yourself or a member of your family, speak to someone from our friendly team today for more information.