Pre-School, Day Nurseries & Childcare in Plymouth

Pre-schools (sometimes called playgroup or nursery) provide early learning for children aged 2-4 years old through play, stories, music, arts and activities. They operate on a sessional basis - mornings or afternoons. Staff have some training in early years education.
Day nurseries offer full-time or part-time childcare and early learning for children from birth to 5 years old. They provide stimulating environments tailored to different age groups with qualified staff.
Out-of-school care generally caters to 4-11 year olds outside school hours, including breakfast clubs, after-school clubs and holiday clubs. These provide childcare through games, recreation, arts and crafts.
Search for a pre-school, day nursery and out-of-school care
View an A to Z listing of all pre-schools, day nurseries and out-of-school care
In addition to the map and settings that are listed on the Plymouth Online Directory, we have compiled an A-Z list of all Ofsted-registered pre-schools, day nurseries, and out-of-school care in Plymouth.
Plymouth also has several school nurseries that operate during school terms like mainstream schools but usually with shorter hours focused on early learning.
View all the nursery schools listed on the Plymouth Online Directory
Help paying for your childcare
The Government can help with childcare costs for parents. Whether you have toddlers or teens, you could get support.
View the Childcare Choices website to check what support you are entitled to.
Also on the Government website is a get childcare: step by step guide that includes information about how to find childcare, get help paying for it and what to do if your circumstances change.
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