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Nursery Schools in Plymouth

Nursery Schools Panel

Nursery schools are an important type of early years education institution in the UK. They provide state-funded education for children aged 3-4 years old, before they transition into primary school. 

Nursery schools operate during school terms like mainstream schools but usually with shorter hours focused on early learning. The curriculum aligns with the national Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework covering areas like literacy, maths, creative development, and social skills through age-appropriate play and activities.

Nursery schools are staffed by qualified early years teachers and assistants. Class sizes are smaller than most nurseries or preschools. Some nursery schools are stand-alone while others are attached to a primary school to enable an easy transition.

Plymouth has 37 nursery schools:

In addition to the nursery schools listed on this page, there might be other similar organisations listed within the Plymouth Online Directory.

Search for a nursery school

View an A to Z listing of all nursery schools

Plymouth also has several pre-school, day nurseries and out-of-school care settings that provide full and part-time care for children from birth to five years.

View all the pre-school, day nurseries and out-of-school care listed on the Plymouth Online Directory

Help paying for your childcare

The Government can help with childcare costs for parents. Whether you have toddlers or teens, you could get support.

View the Childcare Choices website to check what support you are entitled to.

Also on the Government website is a get childcare: step by step guide that includes information about how to find childcare, get help paying for it and what to do if your circumstances change.



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Plymouth's Local Offer

The Plymouth's Local Offer explains the support and services that are available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged 0 to 25 years.


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