Elder Tree Befriending
Elder Tree Befriending is a preventative service that has a physical presence across every neighbourhood in Plymouth. They support people over the age of 50 and champion their continued independent living in their own homes.
Contacts details
At The Elder Tree, we help older people lead full and independent lives and offer them opportunities that most thought had passed them by.
Our various social inclusion groups include games, quizzes, crafts, choirs, coffee groups, IT sessions, and lunch/supper clubs.
In addition, we run specific groups for people living with dementia, mild cognitive impairments, and other long-term conditions.
We promote and support our beneficiaries to continue to live independently and make and sustain friendships through activity groups. Stimulating the minds of our beneficiaries and facilitating companionship is key. We endeavour to have a physical presence across every neighbourhood in Plymouth to build on community engagement and local companionships.
Active Lives
Active Lives is a preventative, low-impact programme of physical activity and fall prevention that is delivered in various locations across the city; all sessions include a time when our project workers can provide advice, information, and signposting across a wide range of issues.
The Active Lives activities include over 40 exercise and movement classes. We deliver inclusive classes for both seated and standing participation. This includes:
- 11 Tai Chi sessions
- 3 Pilates groups
- Cardio recovery classes
- 6 strength and balance classes.
800 of our service users take part in at least 1 hour of exercise a week.
The prevention of falls is a key priority, and all our Active Lives groups have posture and stability training included as a core element. This is a significant game changer in addressing falls prevention and recovery across Plymouth.
The mix of social engagement, advice, and light exercise contributes significantly to improving self-esteem and promoting the continued independent living of our beneficiaries. This has also been a catalyst in many cases for new and supportive friendships and the recruitment of volunteers for our charity.
Active Men
Getting men together to be more active and make friends.
We identified a real need within our service to provide activities for men who were lonely, socially isolated, and who lacked social interactions and activity in their lives. Thanks to the People's Project Lottery Funding, we were able to put the 'Active Men' programme into action.
We have been able to set up some fantastic sports-based social sessions and activities, especially for older men, that take place across the city and are built around the men who attend. This includes
- Walking groups
- Walking Football
- Bowling
- Curling
- Games
- Quizzes and activity groups.
The men that come have great fun:
I really enjoy the group. I was concerned about the time I would have to spend alone at home. I found out about the Active Men group and have been attending regularly. This makes a real difference to me. It gives me something to look forward to. I have made friends and as well as playing games we have a chat and a cup of tea. I feel happier when I get home.
Regular Active Men attendee.
One-to-One Support
Our 'One to One' Befriending Service supports the most frail and socially isolated older people who are housebound in their home with a volunteer befriender. We currently support over 100 individuals in this capacity.
There are other criteria that must be met for a 'one-to-one' befriending, which will be checked by our referral team during their assessment visit.
Breathing Space
At The Elder Tree, we exist to support older people to continue to live independently.
One group of individuals we want to support are the informal, unpaid carers of those living with dementia.
These carers often experience loneliness and isolation because of their challenging situation. They often do not want to be away from their loved ones for a considerable period of time but are looking for a break in their week and time to be with others who are experiencing similar situations and understand the challenges.
Our weekly Breathing Space groups are specifically for these carers, co-located with groups for their loved ones living with dementia. Two separate spaces are provided, one led by our project worker for those living with dementia, with activities and games. The second space in the same building is for the carer to get some respite and peer support, facilitated by one of our amazing volunteers.
The format of these groups is co-designed with our carers to support their needs and wants, whether that is peer support and sharing tea and cake or a specific activity, which can be as diverse as a walk, craft activity, or even a singing session.
Extra Care in Social Inclusion Scheme's
The Elder Tree currently works in partnership with Plymouth City Council to deliver engaging and fun social inclusion activities in 6 of the 7 Extra Care Scheme's in the city, delivering activities Monday to Friday every morning, afternoon, and some evenings.
We build these activities with residents fully involved in all aspects of planning, monitoring and review of the services. Examples include monthly "boys" and "girls" breakfast clubs, takeaway evenings, visiting shops, entertaining talks and external agencies, and other activities.
Elder Tree activity locations
Make a referral to Elder Tree Befriending
Volunteer with Elder Tree Befriending
All our volunteers take part in a comprehensive 'in-house' training and support process and all have up-to-date DBS clearance.
Volunteering is a two-way street. You will make a real difference to someone who is likely to be lonely, isolated, and desperately in need of company. You will, in return, get the immense satisfaction of making a real difference while making a meaningful contribution to your local community, and the only cost to you will be a couple of hours of your time a week. For a vulnerable older person, you will provide a positive impact, bring a smile to their face, and likely be the highlight of their week.
For yourself, you will gain experience in community work, develop your social and team skills, and be rewarded with the satisfaction that you are making a real difference.
If you would like to get involved with volunteering, please get in touch.

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