A to Z Directory of domestic abuse groups and organisations
The domestic abuse-related groups and organisations shown below can either help you directly or provide information and support.
To find out more about how they can help you, please contact them using the phone number, email, or website address they have provided.
31 national organisations that can help and support you
The organisations listed below can help support people who have experienced abuse. They can listen and guide you with whatever you need, and many of them are confidential. Their services differ, but can include:
- Sexual harassment
- Domestic abuse
- Sexual violence and rape
- Spiking
- Online harassment/harm
- Stalking
- Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
- Forced marriage
- Support services for men and boys
- Support services for children
1in6 can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- sexual harassment
- support services for men and boys.
Phone 0808 800 5005
Website 1in6.uk
Advocacy After Fatal Domestic Abuse
Advocacy After Fatal Domestic Abuse can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- domestic abuse.
Phone 07768 386922
Website aafda.org.uk
Childline can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- domestic abuse
- forced marriage
- online harassment/harm
- sexual harassment
- sexual violence and rape
- stalking
- support services for children.
Phone 0800 1111
Website childline.org.uk
Forced Marriage Unit
The Government's Forced Marriage Unit can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- domestic abuse
- forced marriage
- online harassment/harm
- sexual harassment
- sexual violence and rape
- stalking.
Website gov.uk/stop-forced-marriage
Galop can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- domestic abuse
- forced marriage
- online harassment/harm
- sexual harassment
- sexual violence and rape
- stalking.
Phone 0800 9995428
Website galop.org.uk
Hourglass can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- domestic abuse
- online harassment/harm
- sexual harassment
- sexual violence and rape
- stalking.
Phone 0800 808 8141
Website wearehourglass.org
IKWRO - Women's Rights Organisation
The IKWRO - Women's Rights Organisation can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- domestic abuse
- forced marriage
- online harassment/harm
- sexual harassment
- sexual violence and rape
- stalking.
Phone 0207 920 6460
Website ikwro.org.uk
Jewish Women's Aid
Jewish Women's Aid can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- domestic abuse
- forced marriage
- online harassment/harm
- sexual violence and rape
- stalking.
Phone 0808 801 0656
Website jwa.org.uk
Karma Nirvana: honour-based abuse and forced marriage helpline
The Karma Nirvana: honour-based abuse and forced marriage helpline can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- domestic abuse
- forced marriage
- online harassment/harm
- sexual harassment
- sexual violence and rape
- stalking.
Phone 0800 5999 247
Website karmanirvana.org.uk
Life Stuff
Life Stuff can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- domestic abuse
- spiking.
Website life-stuff.org
Male Survivors Partnership
The Male Survivors Partnership can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- sexual harassment
- support services for men and boys.
Website malesurvivor.co.uk/support-for-male-survivors/directory-of-services
ManKind Initiative
The ManKind Initiative can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- sexual harassment
- support services for men and boys.
Phone 01823 334 244
Website mankind.org.uk/help-for-victims/directory
Men's Advice Line - Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men
The Men's Advice Line - Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- sexual harassment
- support services for men and boys.
Phone 0808 801 0327
Website mensadviceline.org.uk
Muslim Women's Network
The Muslim Women's Network can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- domestic abuse
- forced marriage
- sexual violence and rape.
Phone 0800 999 5768
Website mwnuk.co.uk
NSPCC Childline
The NSPCC Childline can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- domestic abuse
- forced marriage
- online harassment/harm
- sexual harassment
- sexual violence and rape
- stalking
- support services for children.
Phone 0808 800 5000
Website nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/our-services/nspcc-helpline
NSPCC FGM helpline
The NSPCC FGM helpline can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- sexual harassment.
Phone x0800 028 3550
Website nspcc.org.uk/what-is-child-abuse/types-of-abuse/female-genital-mutilation-fgm
Parental Education Growth Support
Parental Education Growth Support can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- domestic abuse
- sexual harassment
- stalking.
Website pegsupport.co.uk
Refuge - National Domestic Abuse Helpline
The Refuge - National Domestic Abuse Helpline can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- domestic abuse.
Phone 0808 2000 247
Website nationaldahelpline.org.uk
Restored can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- domestic abuse.
Website restored-uk.org
Revenge Porn Helpline
The Revenge Porn Helpline can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- domestic abuse
- online harassment/harm
- sexual harassment
- stalking.
Phone 0345 600 0459
Website revengepornhelpline.org.uk
Safeline National Telephone and Online Counselling Service
The Safeline National Telephone and Online Counselling Service can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- sexual violence and rape.
Phone 01926 402 498
Website safeline.org.uk
Sign Health
Sign Health can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- domestic abuse.
Phone 020 3947 2600
Website signhealth.org.uk
Southall Black Sisters
Southall Black Sisters can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- domestic abuse
- forced marriage
- online harassment/harm
- sexual harassment
- sexual violence and rape
- stalking
- support services for children.
Phone 0208 571 9595
Website southallblacksisters.org.uk
Survivors UK
Survivors UK can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- sexual harassment
- support services for men and boys.
Phone 0203 598 3898
Website survivorsuk.org
Suzy Lamplugh Trust: National Stalking Helpline
The Suzy Lamplugh Trust: National Stalking Helpline can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- stalking.
Phone 0808 802 0300
Website suzylamplugh.org
The 24/7 Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Line
The 24/7 Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Line can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- domestic abuse
- online harassment/harm
- sexual harassment
- sexual violence and rape
- spiking
- support services for children
- support services for men and boys.
Phone 0808 500 2222
Website 247sexualabusesupport.org.uk
The Financial Support Line for Victims of Domestic Abuse
The Financial Support Line for Victims of Domestic Abuse can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- domestic abuse.
Phone 0808 196 8845
Website survivingeconomicabuse.org
The National Male Survivor Helpline and Online Service
The National Male Survivor Helpline and Online Service can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- sexual harassment
- support services for men and boys.
Phone 0808 800 5005
Website safeline.org.uk
The Survivors Trust
The Survivors Trust can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- sexual harassment
- sexual violence and rape
- support services for children
- support services for men and boys.
Phone 0808 801 0818
Website thesurvivorstrust.org
Victim Support
Victim Support can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- domestic abuse
- online harassment/harm
- sexual harassment
- sexual violence and rape
- stalking.
Phone 0808 168 9111
Website victimsupport.org.uk
Women's Aid
Women's Aid can support you if you are experiencing, require or are worried about:
- domestic abuse.
Website womensaid.org.uk




First Light Plymouth

Karma Nirvana

National Domestic Violence Helpline

NSPCC Child Protection Helpline

Plymouth Domestic Abuse Service (PDAS)

Refuge4Pets - Animal Fostering Service

Respect Men's Advice Line

Respect Phoneline


The Survivor Pathway

Victim Support