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Victim Support

Victim Support is an independent charity dedicated to supporting victims of crime and traumatic incidents. We provide specialist help to support people to cope and move on to the point where they feel they are back on track with their lives.

Contacts details

Lancaster Gardens
Telephone number: 0300 303 0554

We give emotional and practical help to people who have been affected by crime in Devon and Cornwall. We're an independent charity and you can contact us for support regardless of whether you've contacted the Police, and no matter how long ago the crime took place. We'll help you for as long as it takes to overcome the impact of crime.

If you call your local Victim Support team, we'll make sure you get the information and support you need. This might be arranging for you to either speak to a supporter on the telephone or a meeting for you to talk to us and receive emotional support in confidence, helping you to fill out a compensation form or get advice on how to make your home more secure, or referring you to other specialist organisations that can also help.

For practical help we can send you items that might help you feel safer, such as a personal alarm, at no cost to you.

Who can help me 

Devon and Cornwall Police Victim Care Unit co-ordinates victims' services in Devon and Cornwall.

Please contact the VCU on 101 or email

If you want to contact Victim Support directly or do not want to report to the police, you can get help from your local team.

Call your local Victim Support team in Devon and Cornwall on 0300 303 0554.

If you need support outside of our open hours, call our Support line for free on 0808 1689 111.

Find out more about how we can help you



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Based: Plymouth
  • 12 to 16 years old
  • 17 to 25 years old
  • 26 to 64 years old
  • 65+

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