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Personalised Social Care Solutions

Who's going to look after your finances and decide care arrangements for you if you are unwell or permanently incapacitated and find you are no longer able to do so?​

Ensure decisions about your Care, Health treatment, Finances and Property are made by those that you love and trust, if you no longer can.

Contacts details

Telephone number: 0759 4560011

If you are concerned about being able to manage property, finances, health, care and welfare matters for yourself or someone you care for, then we can assist you.​

  • We provide a professional, straightforward and cost effective service so you can nominate family members or other people you trust to make decisions on your behalf and take care of your affairs when you cannot do so, due to ill health or memory difficulties.​
  • Simply being 'Next of Kin' does not give you any decision making rights in law.​
  • As social workers, we provide this service at a fraction of the cost that many solicitors charge.​
  • We have the advantage that we can also give you expert social care advice if you have to deal with health or social care services at no extra charge.​

If you haven't yet arranged for your loved ones to be Attorneys for you (put LPA's in place), then Social Workers, Doctors and Banks might make 'Best Interest' decisions for you about your care, accommodation, finances and property that you or those that care for you, may not agree with. 

It is therefore vital that LPA's are put in place whilst the person still has mental capacity to absorb, retain, weigh up and communicate their choices.

We provide home visits and complete the application, witness, signatory and registration processes for you at your convenience.​

  • Without an LPA in place, others may find it very difficult managing your financial and property affairs, or making decisions about your health and care, should you ever become mentally incapacitated. Those who you wanted to act on your behalf may then encounter 'red tape' and have to pay considerably more for 'Deputyship' of your affairs with the court.​
  • An LPA is so much simpler, cheaper, and less hassle if you put it in place in advance so you can nominate people you trust to be your decision-maker(s) in such an event.
  • We also assist you to make an Advance Decision (Living Will) about what sort of life-sustaining medical treatments you would want to have or refuse in the future if you had a serious illness.



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Price: Please contact us for information about our costs
Based: Nationally based
  • Everyone, over 18 years old

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