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Hearing support using assistive aids and technology

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Some situations can be very difficult for those with hearing loss, with environmental noise, poor acoustics or even standing at a distance from a speaker causing problems. AT solutions, such as listening devices designed to reduce background noise and enhance a speaker's voice, can help to overcome hearing difficulties.

Assistive technology can make sound accessible by using other senses to convey meaning by using lights or vibrations. There are numerous alerting devices that can warn you of situations such as the doorbell, phone ringing or the smoke detector.

Louder TV

The aim of this programme is to provide simple hearing assistance. Everyone can now watch TV together, without causing discomfort to another. Louder TV uses the microphone on the iPhone to amplify sound. You simply place the iPhone near a TV, activate the app and sit back with a long pair of headphones connected to the iPhone.


Doorbell Alert

A wireless device that can be installed in a different room that chimes and flashes a light when the doorbell rings.


Amplified phone

A telephone that increases volume for the user while lessening distorted sounds for all parties in a phone conversation.


Eyes free for listening

Turns your Android into an eyes-free communication device. Provides one-touch access to Android applications, as well as useful mini-apps built into the Eyes-Free Shell. Move your finger over the screen to explore; lift your finger up to run what you stopped on.


Various applications

Deafness, hearing loss, personal amp and communications.


Dragon dictation

Simple conversations can be challenging for those whose hearing is deteriorating. Dragon Dictation can be very helpful. As a person is speaking, Dragon will transcribe the words for the person who is hard of hearing to read. Though it is not perfect, it will usually give enough information to improve understanding of the conversation. This is a great free tool and works best in environments that are not overly noisy.


TV and music listening

A direct connection into any hearing aid using an input lead amplifies the sound without disturbing others in the room.



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