Help in your home

Help in your home from a carer
Having a carer come to visit you in your home can make a huge difference to your life, especially if you have difficulty walking or getting around
Adapt your home
If you're struggling to get around your home due to a disability, long-term illness, visual impairment or old age, we may be able to help with equipment and adaptations to your home to make it easier and safer to live independently or for a carer to look after you.

Get equipment to help at home
If you're struggling to carry out daily tasks there may be equipment available to help you do things safely and independently.
Maintain your home
If you have the funds to make improvements to your property then the council can help you find a local approved trader through the Buy with Confidence scheme.
How to choose a builder
If you have the funds to make improvements to your property then the council can help you find a local approved trader through the Buy with Confidence scheme.
Personal alarms, security systems and keysafes
Personal alarms and security systems are devices that call for help if you, or someone you know, falls or has a problem at home.
Help in your home directory
View the help in your home directory of local services and organisations
Supported Living
Supported living is a way to help people with disabilities or who need extra support to live on their own in their community. It includes people with physical disabilities, learning disabilities, autism, sensory loss, mental health needs and acquired brain injury.
Food and shopping
Organisations that can help deliver your food and shopping straight to your door.
A guide to assistive aids and technology
This assistive aids and technology guide is a resource for a range of people such as carers, staff, service users, managers and commissioners.
Home Care Assistant jobs in Plymouth
Did you know that by working as a Home Care Assistant you can choose the hours that suit you?