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COVID-19 Professional Portal

This page is no longer being updated, and the content has been archived.

For the latest COVID-19 information, please refer to either the GOV.UK or NHS websites.

COVID-19 Infection control and PPE online training

The training is being offered as part of a national programme of support for care homes, personal care providers and supported living providers.

COVID-19 Professional Portal - Adults

COVID-19 information and updates for Adults.

COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Self-Assessment Tool for Care Homes Preparing for COVID-19 and Flu

This is an infection control assessment tool that can be used by care home managers to prepare for winter respiratory infections This tool may also contain content relevant for assisted living complexes.

COVID-19 Letter of entitlement to a free winter flu vaccination for PAs employed by individuals

The Government has announced that free flu vaccinations would be made available to all health and social care staff and people who provide paid care in the community.

COVID-19 Adult Social Care Infection Control Fund: Round 2

The Infection Control Fund supports adult social care providers to reduce the rate of coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission within and between care settings, in particular by helping to reduce the need for staff movements between sites. it has been extended until March 2021, with an extra £546 million of funding.

COVID-19 Oximetry at Home (CO@H)

For those most at risk of silent hypoxia.This is when the blood oxygen level falls without an individual experiencing any noticeable deterioration such as breathlessness. Patients are monitored for 14 days from the onset of their symptoms.

COVID-19 Homecare testing frequently asked questions

The Department of Health & Social Care have published a set of FAQs specifically related to homecare testing. A copy of this information has been published on the Plymouth Online Directory for you.

COVID-19 Extra Care and Supported Living testing frequently asked questions

The Department of Health & Social Care have published a set of FAQs specifically related to Extra Care and Supported Living testing.

COVID-19 vaccination for Social Care Workers

From 15 February all eligible frontline care workers can access a National Vaccination Booking Service. This means you can choose a time and date that is convenient for you.

Preparing for booster doses of COVID-19 vaccinations in Care Homes - FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions - September 2021 - for Care Homes who are preparing for booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccinations.

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