No Limits

Community Youth Event - No Limits Promotional Image

No Limits is a youth club session specifically for young people who identify as having a social, educational, or additional need or disability. 

We offer a comfortable and safe environment for young people to feel relaxed, opening up opportunities to socialise with peers and enhance life skills, as well as a chance to access a variety of fun and engaging activities designed around their interests and abilities. 

Some of our existing activities include playing pool, Xbox and Wii, board games, and a wide range of arts and crafts. 

In addition, our qualified youth workers offer opportunities for young people to explore topics relevant to them, for example, healthy relationships workshops, drug and alcohol awareness, and topical discussions.

Dates and times 

  • Each Wednesday, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

These sessions take place at the Southway Youth Centre.

Who can attend?

These sessions are open to all young people aged between 11 and 25 years old.

Please note that No Limits has a maximum capacity of 16 young people per session.

Find out more about Plymouth's Local Offer, which contains information about services and support for children and young people from birth to 25 years old who have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) and for their families and carers.

How to register and attend these sessions

The simplest way to register for these sessions is to complete our online form. 

Sign up for this session

Additionally, you can also email to request to join this group or to find out more information.

Location map

These sessions take place at the Southway Youth Centre, Hendwell Close, Southway, Plymouth, PL6 6TB.



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