Carers Strategic Partnership Board Terms of Reference - Plymouth's Young Carers
- Lead organisational change and influence their organisations. Leads may delegate their attendance to others in their organisation, but they will still be accountable for implementing decisions made by the board within their own organisation
- Represent the views of carers and discuss them in ways that highlight success, identify areas for improvement, and inform best practice.
Carer representatives
Integrated Commissioning: Plymouth City Council, NEW Devon Clinical Commissioning Group | Adults, children commissioners, and carers (PCC) GP lead (CCG) |
University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust | Patient experience manager Head of Nursing |
Opportunity Knocks: Mental Health Carers Support Group |
Livewell Southwest: Health and Mental Health | Service User Experience Manager Director |
Livewell Southwest: Adult social care | Advanced Practitioners |
Director ASC |
Department for Work and Pensions |
St Luke's Hospice |
Plymouth City Council, SEND |
Healthwatch |
GP Practice Manager |
Carers Emergency Response Service |
The Children's Society and Community Youth Team |
Drug and Alcohol Services representative |
Caring for Carers, Independent Lives Plymouth |
Careers in the South West |
Plymouth Advocacy |
Plymouth School Representatives |
Plymouth Parent-Carer Voice |
Friends and Family |
Heads Count |
The Carers Strategic Partnership Board main purpose is to support the creation and oversee the implementation of the Plymouth Carers Action Plan, engaging with carers and carer organisations and other key stakeholders in the strategic planning and development of carer services across Plymouth with opportunities for joint working.
The group will seek the participation of carers in policy making, planning, and delivery of services via the carer's representation at CSPB meetings and groups.
The focus will be on issues affecting all carers, both adult and young, and include carers caring for disabled children, although this latter group will continue to have their own forum, Parent Carer Voice, and the responsibility for services lies with Children's Social Care and SEND.
- To support the carer action plan, monitor its implementation, and evaluate its success.
- To identify with carers and organisations the gaps in services/unmet needs for carers.
- Progress support and monitoring work to implement the STP Commitment to Carers MOU
- To influence and inform the commissioning of carer services and the future direction and development of services for carers in the city.
- Take account of and contribute to the priorities and plans of the Health and Wellbeing Board, the STP, the NHS in Plymouth and Plymouth City Council, and the priorities and plans of other authorities and agencies as appropriate
- To raise awareness and promote carer needs throughout all areas of wider service provision in the city.
- identify particular issues that carers may face due to their ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation, or any other protected characteristic, and ensure these are taken into account in service provision and development.
- The Board will be required to report to the Health and Wellbeing Board on strategic issues and relevant performance, including whether delivery of actions from Action Plan are on track, on an annual basis
- The partners that make up the Board will be responsible for reporting to their relevant organisations
- Members of the Board will be expected to report to the Board on relevant work undertaken by their organisations.
Expectations of group members
Board members are expected to:
- Be a conduit of information between the Board and their own agency / the area they have responsibility for
- Take part in or lead on agreed-upon and appropriate sub-groups or work streams delivering areas of the Action Plan
- Ensure that any nominated replacement member is fully briefed for a meeting in order to be able to contribute fully
- A timetable will be set out for each calendar year's meetings. board will meet every two months and will vary this by agreement; meetings will last for three hours
- Members will notify the board in advance if they are not able to come to the meeting and provide a deputy, as agreed (papers will be sent to deputies to support this).
- An agenda and available papers for the meeting will be sent out 7 days in advance of the meeting, as far as possible.
- A list of actions agreed upon at the meeting will be sent to the board members within 14 days of the meeting, as far as possible.
- Notes of the meeting will be sent to the board members with the agenda for the next meeting.
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