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Ham Drive Nursery School and Day Care

Ham Drive Nursery School and Day Care provides high quality education and care for children aged 2-5. Our team of qualified teachers and experienced early years professionals work with families to provide the best possible start for all the children in our care. 

Contacts details

Address:Ham Drive
Telephone number: 01752 366389

Ham Drive Nursery School

Our nursery school is open to children aged 3-4. Qualified teachers work alongside experienced early childhood professionals to create a stimulating learning environment. Learning through play is at the heart of our provision, and we have a strong focus on developing children's language skills and social play. Our outside space is open throughout the session.

We currently have spaces for both 15 and 30 hour funded children.

Ham Drive Day Care

Our daycare unit provides high-quality education and care for children aged 2-3. Our team of experienced early childhood professionals helps create a stimulating environment for all children. We value outside play and utilise the local woods to offer regular Nature Explorer sessions.

We currently have spaces for both funded children (ME2) and fee-paying families.

Plymouth Nursery Schools Federation

Ham Drive Nursery School and Day Care is part of the Plymouth Nursery Schools Federation. Together with Plym Bridge Nursery School and Day Care, we work to provide high-quality education and care for children under 5. 



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We have trained and experienced Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator who supports the staff across both Ham Drive and Plym Bridge Nursery Schools.

We have a lot of experience of working with children who have Speech and Language delay and work hard to support them to make progress, referring if necessary to the Speech and Language Service.

We have experience of working very closely with Mill Ford and Cann Bridge Special Schools, having recently had children on dual placement.

We have expertise and interest in supporting children with a wide range of SEND and also of preparing and implementing Education and Health Care Plans.

Plymouth uses an orange 'Local Offer icon' to show services that define themselves as suitable for children and young people with SEND. These are part of Plymouth's SEND Local Offer. We recommend that you contact the service provider to make sure the service is suitable for your child or young person.

Age range
  • Early Years - 0 to 5 years

  • We have a strong level of interest and expertise in educating children with additional needs and work closely with families and all other agencies to ensure we do our best to meet the needs of all our children.

    Based: Plymouth
    Childcare Type:
    • School nurseries
    Age ranges:
    • Nursery school - 3 to 4 years
    • Nursery - under 5 (can vary by location)
    Childcare funding:
    • Three / four year old funded
    • Two year old funded
    Wheelchair access information: Yes
    Dietary needs information: Yes

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