Plymouth All-Age Unpaid Carers Strategy
What is the unpaid carers strategy?
The Plymouth All-Age Unpaid Carers Strategy is a plan to help people who care for others without being paid. This plan assists unpaid carers of all ages and backgrounds by giving them advice, support and resources that they may
Who is it for?
A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a family member or friend who needs help and support due to illness, disability, a mental health condition, or an addiction.
This plan (strategy) is for unpaid carers of all ages, the people who work with them, the Carers Strategic Partnership Board (which helps put the plan into action), and other local partners.
Why do we have this plan?
This plan (strategy) explains how we will help unpaid carers with the things they have told us are important to them.
Our six main goals
- Make it easier for unpaid carers to get the support they need.
- Give unpaid carers more help with money information and financial advice.
- Improve unpaid carers' health and wellbeing, including providing emotional support.
- Help identify unpaid carers early and recognise their hard work.
- Provide better information, advice, and communication to carers.
- Offer support when a carer's role changes.
Documents and downloads
- Plymouth All-Age Unpaid Carers Strategy (PDF, 696 KB)
- One page summary (PDF, 323 KB)
- Plymouth All-Age Unpaid Carers Strategy (Easy Read Version) (PDF, 940 KB)
- Plymouth All-Age Unpaid Carers Strategy (Audio Version)