Statutory assessment 2020-21 (COVID-19)
Statutory assessment 2020-21 (COVID-19) information about statutory assessments to help you and your school.
Staying comfortable in bed
Staying comfortable in bed you're actively living independently or concerned about an elderly loved one, ensuring comfort and safety in bed is crucial for a good night's sleep and overall well-being.
Staying safe
Staying safe safe means feeling good about yourself and in charge of your life. It's especially important for you if you have disabilities or are vulnerable to danger because you're more at risk of getting hurt or taken advantage of. When you feel safe, you can do what you want without being afraid.
Staying safe in the bedroom
Staying safe in the bedroom bedroom is a haven for relaxation and rest. However, for older adults living independently, navigating the bedroom at night or with limited mobility can pose safety concerns.
Staying safe on the internet
Staying safe on the internet know it can be challenging to support children and young people online as their digital world changes. At Internet Matters, you can find the most comprehensive and credible resources, information, and support to keep people of all ages safe online.
Street Based Youth Work
Street Based Youth Work Street Based Youth Work Team is a familiar face on the streets of Plymouth, and we bring youth support to you.
Stress causes physical changes in the body designed to help you take on threats or difficulties. You may notice that your heart pounds, your breathing quickens, your muscles tense, and you start to sweat.
Stroke stroke is a serious life-threatening medical condition that occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off.
Submit a request for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) assessment
Submit a request for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) assessment should email or call 01752 307409. If your are a professional then you can submit an EHCP assessment online.
Support - Young Carers
Support - Young Carers support you need, there are organisations in Plymouth that can help you.
Support for carers
Support for carers -
Support for early years (COVID-19)
Support for early years (COVID-19) information if you are worried about individual children considering completing the EY return to nursery or transition to school vulnerability.
Support for parents and families
Support for parents and families -
Support for professionals working with children and families
Support for professionals working with children and families you are a professional worker and you support children, young people or their families in Plymouth, then you may find the links and resources within this section useful.
Support for Young Carers
Support for Young Carers school has Young Carers although many are hidden for various reasons. Currently there are over 700 Young Carers in Plymouth with many more that have still to be identified.
Support groups directory for professionals
Support groups directory for professionals groups for professionals supporting children and their families in Plymouth.
Support groups for carers in Plymouth
Support groups for carers in Plymouth support groups are designed so that you can meet with other carers, gain support, gather information and seek advice as well as taking a break from your caring role(s).
Support while you study
Support while you study could get weekly payments if you're under 20 at the start of a publicly-funded course, such as a school or sixth form.
Supported accommodation
Supported accommodation a home where you can maintain your independence while having access to the care and support you need. That's the essence of supported accommodation.
Supported internships
Supported internships internships are for young people between the ages of 16-25 who have an education health and care plan.