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    • The Eatwell Guide

      The Eatwell Guide

      The Eatwell Guide shows how much of what we eat overall should come from each food group to achieve a healthy, balanced diet.

    • The impact of caring on a young person's emotional and physical wellbeing - Young Carers

      The impact of caring on a young person's emotional and physical wellbeing - Young Carers

      Caring can affect a young person in different ways.

    • The impact of caring on a young person's emotional and physical wellbeing - Young Carers

      The impact of caring on a young person's emotional and physical wellbeing - Young Carers

      The impact of caring on a young person's emotional and physical wellbeing.

    • The law and courts

      The law and courts

      You can find out more about your rights, as well as what to do if you face discrimination, need legal advice or have to go to court without a lawyer. If you would like to talk to someone, please contact Citizens Advice Plymouth.

    • The Mental Capacity Act

      The Mental Capacity Act

      The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) is important for young adults with special educational needs (SEN) because it ensures that they have the right to make decisions for themselves, whenever possible, and that those decisions are made in their best interests.

    • The Mental Capacity Act 2005 - Plymouth Young Carers

      The Mental Capacity Act 2005 - Plymouth Young Carers

      The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) affects people who are aged 16 and over, and living in England and Wales.

    • The role of SENCOs - SENCO Guide

      The role of SENCOs - SENCO Guide

      The role of the SENCO in primary and secondary schools is clearly described in section 6 of the Special Educational Needs and disability code of practice: 0-25.

    • The School Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) Guide

      The School Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) Guide

      Plymouth's 'SENCO Guide' contains information, resources and signposting for SENCOS and other professionals to support with Special Educational Needs and disabilities(SEND) policy and practice.

    • Things to do (Adults)

      Things to do (Adults)
    • Things to do in Plymouth

      Things to do in Plymouth

      Plymouth has an array of fantastic things to do, places to stay and places to eat. This exciting section is where we have selected our top 10 ideas to help inspire you.

    • Tiling - Buy With Confidence Plymouth

      Tiling - Buy With Confidence Plymouth

      The Buy With Confidence Scheme provides you with a list of local businesses which have given their commitment to trading fairly.

    • Tinside Lido

      Tinside Lido

      Overlooking the sea in Plymouth harbour, Tinside Lido is consistently voted in the top 10 of Europe's outdoor pools but is open only in the summer.

    • Tips to help you save money

      Tips to help you save money

      There are lots of small actions you can take to help you save money.

    • Toileting aids

      Toileting aids

      Maintaining independence in the bathroom is an important aspect of living well at home. However, age-related changes like reduced mobility, limited dexterity, and balance problems can make using the toilet a challenge.

    • Training and development

      Training and development

      Training and development information, advice and resources specifically for care homes and nursing homes in Plymouth.

    • Training and development

      Training and development

      Training and development information, advice and resources specifically for domiciliary care providers in Plymouth.

    • Training and employment

      Training and employment
    • Training Page For Rebecca - Support - Young Carers

      Training Page For Rebecca - Support - Young Carers

      Whatever support you need, there are organisations in Plymouth that can help you.

    • Transition pathway planning

      Transition pathway planning

      For most young people, and especially those with an Education, Health and Care Plan, growing up and becoming an adult is a time of change and development as they move towards personal independence and set out on their life path. This process is called transition pathway planning.

    • Transitions


      Moving from one school to the next can be challenging for any child. For children with special needs or disabilities, transitions require extra planning and support. Transition refers to the process of moving between different stages of education or care services.

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