General service articles
Plymouth Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)
The new Plymouth SARC is located at a safe location in Estover. Plymouth residents can access the full range of SARC services by calling 0300 3034626.
Plymouth Soup Run
Plymouth Soup Run is a community- and faith-driven service providing free food and hot drinks to homeless, hungry, and vulnerable people 365 days a year.
Plymouth Sports Academy - Support System
We provide young people and families the opportunity to get involved with sport and fitness activities.
Plymouth Street Pastors
Late night street patrols offering genuine non-judgemental pastoral support to all and any who need help, a listening ear to the vulnerable and signposting to other agencies
Plymouth Substance Misuse Service
The Plymouth Substance Misuse Service is for young people under the age of 18 who live in Plymouth and are struggling with drug or alcohol use.
Plymouth Supported Living
As part of Plymouth Highbury Trust, we are a local Plymouth charity with over 60 years' experience of supporting people with disabilities.
Plymouth Training and Consultancy
Plymouth Training and Consultancy focuses upon providing quality training and specialised consultancy for Children, Young People, adult and family Workforce.
Plymouth U3A
Plymouth U3A is essentially a social organisation with over 70 different interest groups that offer every opportunity to Learn, Laugh, Live.
Plymouth VCSE Support - Devon Mind
We are proud to be working with Plymouth City Council to provide bespoke mental health support to the local VCSE sector.
Plymouth Woodturners
Plymouth Woodturners is a non-profit organization set up to promote the wonderful craft of woodturning. If you have never turned wood, you should try it, it is extremely satisfying. Forming a shapeless lump of wood into a thing of beauty, working with hands, eyes and brain; devising shapes, actually producing something you can cherish, use, give away or sell.