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Access Able (formerly DisabledGo) provides free, detailed access information for disabled people across the UK.

Contacts details

Address:18 High Street
Telephone number: 01438 842 710

Each venue has been visited and checked - find out which hotels, cinemas, restaurants, pubs, train stations, shops, solicitor's offices and all sorts of services are accessible to you.

For example, we check whether a pub is accessible to a wheelchair user, if a cinema can offer a hearing loop, whether a hotel offers adapted rooms, or if a restaurant offers menus in large print or Braille.

We know everyone's accessibility needs are different, which is why having detailed, accurate information is so important. It's why we send our trained surveyors to check out every single place in person and why the information we collect has all been decided by our user community.

Terms like 'fully accessible' aren't helpful—fully accessible to who?

AccessAble is unique among national access information providers because only we:

  • Visit and survey every venue on our website in person
  • Use a survey method that over 800 groups of disabled people have fed into
  • We have a national network of steering groups that guide our work and support the continuous development of our service
  • Offer a standardised service from Aberdeen to Plymouth. Our trained surveyors use the same high standards and pan-disability survey template to ensure that all our guides are accurate, reliable and presented in a user-friendly format

We go the extra mile because disabled people have told us:

  • A venue which self-reports its access can all too often miss, overlook or fail to appreciate the reality of the access they provide
  • The majority of venues do not have the expertise or the time to go into the detail that many disabled people need to have to make an effective judgement about the suitability of access
  • Finally, because what's accessible for one person is not necessarily accessible for another, our independence means we say as we see it, providing the facts so you can make an informed choice.

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  • Contracted and Approved Supplier
Price: Please contact us for information about our costs
Based: Nationally based
  • Everyone, regardless of age

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