Transitions: Preparation for Adulthood terms of reference
Board purpose and objectives
The vision for the Transitions and Preparation for Adulthood Board is that all children and young people in Plymouth will have their voices heard and have the right support, the right ambition, and the right opportunities for their futures.
The Transitions and Preparation for Adulthood Board aims to successfully prepare Plymouth's children and young people so that they can grow up healthy and happy, safe and able to aspire and achieve, living in resilient families and communities, and able to take advantage of a broad range of opportunities.
We will achieve this by being:
- Collaborative: working across organisations and with children and young people to build trust and develop the required pathways and information to make transitions consistent and equitable.
- Empowering: giving staff, young people and families the information, advice and opportunities to enable effective pathways to be developed for all of Plymouth's children and young people
- Ambitious: removing barriers and obstacles and encouraging all children and young people to aspire and reach as far as they can for their own futures.
- Honest: being clear about what support can and can't be offered and sharing information with all parties openly, transparently, and with sensitivity.
Governance, structure and reporting
The Transitions: Preparation for Adulthood Board reports to the Plymouth Strategic Partnership for Children Board and the Education and Children's Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
The work of the Transitions Board will be delivered by six working groups:
- Preparation for Adulthood for Children and Young People with SEND
- Transitions into, through and beyond school for Children and Young People
- Transitions from Children's to Adult's Social Care Provision
- Transitions from Children's to Adult Health Provision
- Transitions from Young Carers to Adult Carers
- Transitions Universal Advice and Guidance
Communication and engagement
The Transitions: Preparation for Adulthood Board is responsible for understanding and synchronising with the communication plans of other boards and overseeing the flow of communication to and from the board, along with specifying the nature, source, format, and frequency of the information.
All Transitions: Preparation for Adulthood Board members are responsible for ensuring key communication items are provided in the correct forums and monitoring how the desired communication strategy has been embedded.
Agendas and minutes will be shared on the Plymouth Local Offer website.
Membership of the Transitions: Preparation for Adulthood Board is listed below and will remain subject to change as required by the Board.
Membership is comprised of:
- Service Director for Education, Participation and Skills, Plymouth City Council (PCC) (Co-Chair)
- Representation for Plymouth Parent Carer Voice (PPCV)
- Head of Service for Education and Virtual School, PCC
- Head of Service for SEND, PCC
- Head of Skills and Post 16, PCC
- Representation from NHS Devon ICB
- Representative for health providers Livewell Southwest and University Hospitals Plymouth
- Representative from Children's Social Care, PCC
- Representation from Family Hubs
- Representation from Housing
- Service Director for Adults Social Care, PCC
- Team Manager for Adult Safeguarding, PCC
- Representative from Children with a Disability Team, PCC
- Representation from Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and Early Years providers
- Principal Educational Psychologist, Plymouth City Council
- Representative from Public Health
- Representative from PCC commissioning
For clarity, the wording "health" refers to both physical and mental health as one strand.
The Transitions: Preparation for Adulthood Board will meet initially monthly and then six weekly online and at Ballard House, Plymouth. One in three meetings will be face-to-face dependent on the work plan.
Chairing the meetings will be alternated between the co-chairs.
- Vision and mission statement
- Terms of reference
- Meetings and minutes
- Transitions: Preparation for Adulthood
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