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Learning Disability Matters

For parents and carers of children and young people who have been identified as having a learning disability and who have concerns that their child or young person MIGHT have a learning disability.

Contacts details

Address:Nhs Improvement Ground Floor
Waterfront 4
Goldcrest Way
NE15 8NY

Are you worried that a child you care for may have a learning disability?

Try the screening tool. This short questionnaire is designed to help identify children and young people who may have a learning disability. It was developed to give parents, families, and professionals who have concerns that a child/young person may have a learning disability a quick and easy indication of whether they do. It is based on extensive research, is valid and reliable, can be completed quickly, and can discriminate with high levels of accuracy between those who have a learning disability and those who do not.

Why does this matter?

Children and young people with learning disabilities often have different needs and will likely need reasonably adjusted services and support. The 'Learning Disability Matters for Families' web app gives parents and carers straightforward, pragmatic, realistic information that is aimed at helping them, day to day, know where to go for further help, and understand what they are entitled to.

We hope it is really straightforward to use and includes a range of tools, resources and films to

  • Explain what a learning disability is and what it isn't.
  • Films of families of children and young people with learning disabilities share their experiences and give helpful advice, positive examples, and practical information on where to go for further help.
  • Health conditions to look out for and advice about what to do.
  • Make sure they know about their rights to reasonable adjustments to services.
  • Give examples of what voluntary sector organisations are able to do to support parents and carers of children and young people with learning disabilities.
  • Provide advice and guidance about the sorts of services that can be helpful.
  • Information about the importance of children and young people being on the G.P. learning disability register.
  • Provide an explanation about why it is important that the G.P. practice know that parents and carers of children and young people with learning disabilities are included on the G.P. carer register. 


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Price: Free
Based: Nationally based
  • Everyone, regardless of age
  • Learning disabilities

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