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Discharge to Assess: Homefirst

What is Homefirst?

Homefirst brings people out of the hospital once they are no longer acutely unwell so that assessments can be done in the comfort and safety of their own homes.

Why am I being offered this service?

The hospital teams know you are medically stable and well enough for this service. They believe you may avoid a potentially lengthy stay in hospital by being supported by the Homefirst team.

What are the benefits to me?

We know going home improves an individual's health and wellbeing. It removes the risk of hospital-acquired infections. It also reduces the chances of developing confusion, further loss of mobility and independence.

What will happen when I get home?

You will be visited by a professional responder from the Homefirst team. This may be an Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Nurse or Social Worker.

The responder will complete an assessment, order any equipment and identify if care support is required. They will identify if there are any short-term goals to help you towards living as independently as possible.

If your care needs appear to be long term rather than short-term we will discuss your long term care needs this will involve a financial assessment and you may have to pay towards your care at this point.

What is Homefirst Reablement?

On leaving the hospital, extra support may be required. A short-term service to promote independence can be offered by helping regain the skills and confidence needed to complete everyday tasks safely at home.

This service is based around specific goals to help you achieve independence for certain activities e.g. personal care, preparing meals, getting around your home, accessing the community. The aim is to enable you to live how you were before you became unwell.

Reablement will generally not be able to support you with collecting shopping, housework tasks or with the collection of medication and attending medical appointments - unless this is a clear Reablement Goal.

If you require support with this short term you will need to arrange this privately - a list of Care Agencies can be provided.

We may also refer you to other voluntary organisations if you would like support from your local community.

How long does the service last?

This service is free of charge for a short period so that we can complete your assessment and recovery at home, maximising your skills and independence. If you require ongoing care, you will have a financial assessment.

The Homefirst support can be provided for a maximum of 6 weeks. However, many people have much shorter service.

If you have achieved previous levels of independence, this service will come to an end.

This service is continually reviewed and it may be decided at this point that you no longer require Homefirst support.

Longer-term support

If you are no longer able to achieve previous levels of independence, you will be assessed under the eligibility criteria from the Care Act 2014 for ongoing care.

A Care Act assessment will be completed, if you are eligible a financial assessment is carried out and a care package reflecting your eligible needs will be provided on a longer-term basis.

Although the Homefirst support is funded by Health and Social Care so there is no cost to yourself, longer-term support cost will be dependent on the outcome of the financial assessment. If savings exceed £23,250 you will not be eligible for funded care, but will be supported (if required) to find a suitable care provider to meet your needs

For more information about this service please call the Discharge to Assess: Homefirst Team on 01752 435860.

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