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Looked After Child and Youth Offending Team - Livewell Southwest

The CAMHS Looked After Children team is for children and young people aged 0 - 19 years who are looked after by the Plymouth City Council.

Contacts details

Address:Midland House
Notte Street
Telephone number: 01752 434562
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CAMHS Looked After Children

The Looked After Child pathway works in partnership with the local authority and is co-located in Midland House with the Plymouth Children's Services and Children in Care Social Work teams.

It is a targeted team providing a range of multi-disciplinary skills to a vulnerable group of children and young people who may have emerging and enduring emotional and mental health problems due to the impact of the care they have received while with their birth families.

CAMHS Youth Offending

The CAMHS Youth Offending pathway sits with the Youth Offending Service within Plymouth City Council's services for children and families. It is provided within the youth offending team to identify where there are mental health problems within this population of young people. It has been identified that this population is three times more likely to develop mental health problems requiring a CAMHS intervention.



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Based: Plymouth
  • 0 to 1 years old
  • 1 to 2 years old
  • 2 to 3 years old
  • 3 to 4 years old
  • 4 to 5 years old
  • 5 to 11 years old
  • 12 to 16 years old

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