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WHA Drug & Alcohol Support Services

WHA Drug & Alcohol Support Services provides accommodation for adults who have progressed through drug and/or alcohol treatment and have additional support requirements.

Contacts details

Address:13 Hill Park Crescent
Telephone number: 01752 214200
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WHA Drug & Alcohol Support Services locations in Plymouth

Hill Park Crescent, Mutley

7 units: 3 rooms on the ground floor/female flat. 4 rooms on the first floor/mm ale flat.

Beaumont Road, St. Judes

5 Units: 5-bed shared scripted house, mixed gender.



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Price: Please contact us for information about our costs
Based: Plymouth
  • 17 to 25 years old
  • 26 to 64 years old
  • 65+
  • Substance misuse

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