Woolwell Memory Cafe
A memory cafe provides a place where any member of the public, who feels that they, or a person they know, may have a short term memory problem, can drop in without an appointment, and talk to an experienced volunteer.
Contacts details
Darklake Lane
Our Memory Cafe in the Woolwell Centre provides an informal and friendly environment offering help, support and information for people affected by memory problems.
How do we achieve this?
The twice a month meetings (on the second and fourth Saturdays) involve an initial welcome tea or coffee and a catch up chat to our visitors both participants and their carers.
A program of future events has been devised to stimulate interest. We have covered subjects such as royalty, gardening, music and hobbies such as card making etc. Games usually round off the session; these could be dominoes, a simple quiz, quoits or jigsaws.
The Memory Cafe is held at the Woolwell Centre, if you or any of your family members have memory problems please come and join us.

- Plymouth Dementia Action Alliance
- 26 to 64 years old
- Everyone, over 65
- Dementia
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