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Travel and transport

Travel and Transport Panel COL Logo

Cost of living support

If you need travel and transport support and are struggling with the cost of living, the following services and organisations might be able to assist you.

Remember - if you are struggling, you are not alone and there is no shame in asking for help. Everyone needs a little bit of extra support at some point in their lives. 

Free bus passes

You can apply for a bus pass for free travel when you reach the female state pension age (whether you're a man or a woman), or if you have certain disabilities. This gives you free travel on most local bus services in England between 9.30am and 11pm weekdays, all day at weekends and on public holidays. In Plymouth, you can also use it on the park and ride services.




Find out what benefits and financial support you may be able to get

Use the government's online tool to find out what support you might be able to get to help with your living costs. You can get benefits and other financial support if you're eligible.

Check what benefits and financial support you can get



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How to submit an organisation or community group to this website

If you are an organisation or community group and can help support people living in Plymouth, please complete our online form, and we will add you to this directory.

Submit your offer of help and support 

Energy Crisis Promotional Quote



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