Holidays and transport

If something went wrong with your holiday, you might be able to get compensation from the company you booked with.
If you're still on holiday, tell the company or travel agent about the problem as soon as possible. You might be able to get it sorted out quicker, for example, if there's a problem with the room. If you don't say anything until you get home, you might get less compensation or none at all.
Read what to do if your flight was delayed.
Your legal rights depend on whether you went on a package holiday, went on a holiday with 'linked travel arrangements', or are an independent traveller.
- Travelling in Europe
- Claim compensation if your flight is delayed or cancelled
- Cancelling a package holiday
- Get airline compensation for lost or delayed luggage
- Getting a refund for a cancelled or delayed train
- If you're worried about bedbugs affecting your holiday
If you would like to talk to someone, please contact Citizens Advice Plymouth.
This page is based on content that originated from Citizens Advice (adapted).
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