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Why are so many young carers hidden? - Young Carers

Every school will have young carers, but quite often they are hard to identify as they are hidden for a number of reasons:

  • The condition of the person they care for is not obvious, so people don't think that the young person needs any help.
  • Young carers do not realise that they are carers or that their lives are different from their peers.
  • They don't want to be any different from their peers, so they don't draw attention to their caring role.
  • They believe that the school will show no interest in their family circumstances.
  • They want to keep their identity at school separate from their caring role.
  • It's not the sort of thing they feel they can discuss with their friends.
  • There has been no opportunity to share their story.
  • They are worried about bullying.
  • They worry that the family will be split up and that they will be taken care of.
  • They want to keep a secret and/or are embarrassed.
  • They see no reason to tell their story and don't believe that any positive action will occur as a result of doing so.

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