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The Cathedral School of St Mary

The Cathedral School of St Mary is proud of their religion, values, history and achievements. Unusually for an inner-city school, we are a small school right in the heart of the city with a caring and loving ethos. 

Contacts details

Address:Cathedral School Of St Mary
Cecil Street
Telephone number: 01752 265270
Get Directions View on Google Maps

It is our aim to educate our children so they leave us knowing their mission and vision to make the world a better place. We will encourage them to become successful, resilient learners, and confident individuals. In the ever-changing world of education, it is important that we, as a school, don't stand still. Our staff are also lifelong learners and will ensure they go the extra mile to provide a curriculum that develops, challenges, and motivates all of our children.

Our Breakfast Club

We know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and that children with a full stomach are able to concentrate better throughout the day. 

Breakfast club opens at 7.30 am and takes place in the school hall.  When arriving at school, there is a doorbell on the entrance which rings into the hall so a member of staff can let you in. The breakfast club is open to all children who attend school.

During breakfast club, children are offered a variety of cereals and toast, with various spreads available.  Children have access to a number of games and activities to help kick-start their day. 



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All children at The Cathedral School of St. Mary receive high quality teaching which is tailored to meet their individual needs. Sometimes children will take part in small group or individually targeted intervention sessions to meet and support specific areas of need.

We work closely with a range of outside agencies to further support children to be able to achieve their fullest potential. We have strong pastoral systems throughout the school and all staff work closely together to support children in their social and emotional development. 

Where possible, we adapt our provision and the environment to meet the additional needs of children. Children with SEND are given every opportunity to take part in the wider life of the school.

Plymouth uses an orange 'Local Offer icon' to show services that define themselves as suitable for children and young people with SEND. These are part of Plymouth's SEND Local Offer. We recommend that you contact the service provider to make sure the service is suitable for your child or young person.

Age range
  • Primary - 5 to 11 years

  • Based: Plymouth
    Childcare Type:
    • School
    Age ranges:
    • Primary school - 5 to 11 years

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