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Boringdon Primary School

Boringdon Primary School provides children with a broad range of opportunities and experiences within a safe, stimulating and friendly learning environment.

Contacts details

Address:Boringdon Primary School
Courtland Crescent
Telephone number: 01752 330424
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We have an excellent team of staff who work incredibly hard to ensure that the children receive a first-class education.

We treat every child as an individual and strive to help them reach their personal potential in terms of social, physical, emotional, academic, spiritual, moral, and cultural development.

We provide the children with a broad range of opportunities and experiences within a safe, stimulating, and friendly learning environment. We believe that each child should receive a wide range of experiences so that they leave us as self-motivated and self-disciplined lifelong learners who are tolerant, balanced, and caring individuals with a love for learning.

At Boringdon, we welcome all children. Where a child has a recognised disability, we will make all reasonable adjustments to accommodate their needs in school. This will include the availability of resources and the accessibility of the school building and site.

We will make every effort to ensure that children with special educational needs maintain their entitlements when they enter our school. The success of all our children depends to a large extent on the partnership between home and school. Every child needs our joint support in order to achieve his or her best.



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At Boringdon Primary School we aspire for all children to achieve their full potential. We aim to work in partnership with parents and children to best match provision to support a child's needs. 

'A pupil has SEN (Special Educational Needs) where their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision, that is provision different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age.' (SEN Code of Practice p.82)

The Pastoral Team at Boringdon are keen to offer as much support to families as possible. 

Plymouth uses an orange 'Local Offer icon' to show services that define themselves as suitable for children and young people with SEND. These are part of Plymouth's SEND Local Offer. We recommend that you contact the service provider to make sure the service is suitable for your child or young person.

Age range
  • Primary - 5 to 11 years

  • Based: Plymouth
    Childcare Type:
    • School
    Age ranges:
    • Primary school - 5 to 11 years

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