Search for a Nursery School in Plymouth
0-25 Statutory Assessment Team
0-25 Statutory Assessment Team
The Council's 0-25 SEND Statutory Assessment Team coordinates the statutory support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
- Address:Ballard House
26 West Hoe Road
PL1 3BJ - Contact number:01752 307409
- Address:Ballard House
@PlymouthCare is a care company that has been set up by Plymouth City Council to help people remain as independent, in their own home, by providing support and care services for people.
- Address:Ballard House
26 West Hoe Road
PL1 3BJ - Contact number:01752 312500
- Address:Ballard House
Access Plymouth Ltd
Access Plymouth Ltd
Access Plymouth is a local charity which exists to help Plymouth residents and visitors with their mobility needs.
- Address:Mayflower Street East Car Park
Mayflower Street
PL1 1QJ - Contact number:01752 600633
- Address:Mayflower Street East Car Park
Achieve Together
Achieve Together
Achieve Together is one of the UK's leading providers of support for people with learning disabilities, autism, PMLD, deafness, hearing loss and associated complex needs.
- Address:Office 11
235 Union Street
PL1 3HN - Contact number:03301 755332
- Address:Office 11
Achievement Training
Achievement Training
Achievement Training is a training provider offering Courses and Apprenticeships in Plymouth.
- Address:Norwich Union House
2 St Andrews Cross
PL1 1DN - Contact number:01752 202266
- Address:Norwich Union House
Ahimsa is an integrated domestic abuse service and a longstanding charity that has run for over 28 years in the city of Plymouth.
- Address:16 Creykes Court
5 Craigie Drive
The Millfields
PL1 3JB - Contact number:01752 213535
- Address:16 Creykes Court
Amber Initiatives
Amber Initiatives
Amber Initiatives provides practical assistance to migrant workers from EU countries, helping them to comply with the UK legislation and solve their complex problems.
- Address:9A The Crescent
PL1 3AB - Contact number:07873 738 828
- Address:9A The Crescent
Andy's Man Club Plymouth
Andy's Man Club Plymouth
We are a peer to peer support group, providing a safe space for men to talk.
- Address:City College Plymouth
Kings Road
- Address:City College Plymouth
Antonia Edie Counselling (MBACP)
Antonia Edie Counselling (MBACP)
Are you struggling with anxiety, depression, family issues, feeling sad, low self-confidence, low self-esteem, having panic attacks or relationship issues?
- Address:7 The Crescent
PL1 3AB - Contact number:07949846895
- Address:7 The Crescent
Art Therapy in Plymouth
Art Therapy in Plymouth
The Art Therapist specialises in trauma treatment, but you do not have to have a major trauma; since our emotions are all interrelated, any difficult experience can tilt our emotional balance.
- Address:Stoke Damerel Parish Centre
85 Paradise Road
PL1 5QL - Contact number:07305 927297
- Address:Stoke Damerel Parish Centre
Babcock International Group
Babcock International Group
Babcock International Group have a range of apprenticeships across different locations and if you have an interest in business, engineering or science and technology they could have a role to suit you.
- Address:Devonport Dockyard
Saltash Road
PL1 4SG - Contact number:01752 605665
- Address:Devonport Dockyard
Barbican Theatre
Barbican Theatre
The Barbican Theatre is a creative arts organisation situated in the historic Barbican area of Plymouth. We produce new theatre and contemporary dance with young people as leaders. We encourage our audiences and participants to visit us and take part.
- Address:Barbican Theatre
Castle Street
PL1 2NJ - Contact number:01752 267131
- Address:Barbican Theatre
Bookstart for Families
Bookstart for Families
Bookstart distributes free books and other learning materials to young children. The programme aims to inspire a love of books from as early an age as possible, encouraging parents and carers to share books with children.
- Address:171 Armada Way
PL1 1HZ - Contact number:01752 305900 or 020 7801 8800
- Address:171 Armada Way
Borrow Don't Buy - Plymouth's Library of Things
Borrow Don't Buy - Plymouth's Library of Things
Borrow Don't Buy is Plymouth's very own Library of Things (LoT). We are a community interest company with the mission of giving you affordable access to the things you need - whilst simultaneously benefitting the Earth.
- Address:Thinqtanq, Fairbairn House
Higher Lane
PL1 2AN - Contact number:01752 393636
- Address:Thinqtanq, Fairbairn House
British Red Cross - Plymouth Assisted Discharge Service
British Red Cross - Plymouth Assisted Discharge Service
The Plymouth Assisted Discharge Service, from the British Red Cross, supports patients in getting home after spending time in the hospital.
- Address:18 Catherine Street
- Address:18 Catherine Street
Brook Housing
Brook Housing
Brook Housing is a growing charity housing provider specialising in accommodation and tenancy support for people with learning disabilities.
- Address:10 -12 Union Street
PL1 2SR - Contact number:0175 2230185
- Address:10 -12 Union Street
Care Leavers
Care Leavers
If you've been a 'looked after' child - maybe in a children's home or a foster home - we'll help you make the move from living in care to living an independent adult life.
- Address:Ballard House
26 West Hoe Road
PL1 3BJ - Contact number:01275 308900
- Address:Ballard House
Chapel Bridge School
Chapel Bridge School
Chapel Bridge School is an independent day and special school (DfE registered) which provides individualised and tailored programmes of studies drawing upon our three-phase intent curriculum model.
- Address:99 Craigie Drive
PL1 3JL - Contact number:01752 746333
- Address:99 Craigie Drive
Children 1st Mediation - Plymouth Mediation for Separated Parents
Children 1st Mediation - Plymouth Mediation for Separated Parents
Children 1st Mediation are qualified and experienced Family Mediators. We specialise in helping you make plans for the future following separation or divorce through mediation.
- Address:21 Phoenix Street
PL1 3DN - Contact number:01752 396584
- Address:21 Phoenix Street
Children in Care Nursing Team - Livewell Southwest
Children in Care Nursing Team - Livewell Southwest
All children who come into care are offered an Initial Health assessment by a paediatrician with a specific interest in, and knowledge of, children in care.
- Address:Ballard House
26 West Hoe Road
PL1 3BJ - Contact number:01752 435064
- Address:Ballard House
Children's Disability Team
Children's Disability Team
The Council's Children's Disability Team provide support for disabled children and young people, their families and carers. We work with families to understand their needs and plan how to provide support that will make a positive difference.
- Address:Ballard House
26 West Hoe Road
PL1 3BJ - Contact number:01752 668000
- Address:Ballard House
Children's Minds - Families Matter by Routeways
Children's Minds - Families Matter by Routeways
Children's Minds - Families Matter is a parent participation project led by Routeways, supported by Plymouth Parent Carer Voice and attended each month by CAMHS Community Team and the Child Development Centre.
- Address:Fore Street
PL1 4DU - Contact number:01752 856719
- Address:Fore Street
Children's Storehouse
Children's Storehouse
We collect good quality baby and children's equipment and give it away to those who need it.
- Address:93 New George Street
- Address:93 New George Street
Citizens Advice Plymouth
Citizens Advice Plymouth
Citizens Advice Plymouth (CAB) service helps people to resolve their problems. We can help with any issue, from anyone, spanning debt and employment to consumer and housing plus everything in between.
- Address:Ernest English House
Buckwell Street
PL1 2DA - Contact number:03444 111444 or 0808 278 7910
- Address:Ernest English House
City College Plymouth
City College Plymouth
City College Plymouth has more than 300 courses spanning 25-plus subject areas, so all you need to do is choose the right future for you.
- Address:City College Plymouth
Kings Road
PL1 5QG - Contact number:01752 305300
- Address:City College Plymouth
Clay Art
Clay Art
ClayArt is the Paint Your Own Pottery Studio on Plymouth's Barbican; a fun place where you can just pop in and paint your own designs onto blank ceramics, which we glaze and fire for you.
- Address:57 Southside Street
PL1 2LA - Contact number:01752 665565
- Address:57 Southside Street
Communication Interaction Team
Communication Interaction Team
The Council's Communication Interaction Team works with children and young people who have speech, language, and communication needs (SLCN).
- Address:Ballard House
26 West Hoe Road
PL1 3BJ - Contact number:01752 668000
- Address:Ballard House
Community Outreach Team - Plymouth City Council
Community Outreach Team - Plymouth City Council
The Community Outreach Team support people to maintain and promote independence, manage change and crisis within their lives through the provision of skilled, staff intervention. We also assist with signposting, liaison and help people access social opportunities and universal services for up to 12 weeks..
- Address:Ballard House
26 West Hoe Road
PL1 3BJ - Contact number:01752 668000
- Address:Ballard House
Creative Living Care Services
Creative Living Care Services
Creative Living is committed to 'putting people first' and ensuring they are at the heart of decisions about their care, working in partnership with the local authority and the NHS to provide continuing health care support.
- Address:17 Stopford Place
PL1 4QQ - Contact number:01752 565565
- Address:17 Stopford Place
Cumberland Centre
Cumberland Centre
The Urgent Care Centre at the Cumberland Centre is open every day to treat you if you have an injury which isn't life-threatening but still requires urgent treatment.
- Address:Cumberland Centre
Damerel Close
PL1 4JZ - Contact number:01752 434400
- Address:Cumberland Centre
Day service for people with multiple and complex needs - Hamoaze House
Day service for people with multiple and complex needs - Hamoaze House
Hamoaze House is primarily a day service for people who have, historically, been affected by the problematic use of drugs and/or alcohol. We also offer group therapy sessions, one-on-one therapy, and enabling sessions and can create bespoke packages of help. use of drugs and/or alcohol.
- Address:Hamoaze House
Mount Wise Garrison
Cumberland Road
PL1 4JQ - Contact number:01752 566 100
- Address:Hamoaze House
Deaf Inclusion Team
Deaf Inclusion Team
The PATSS Deaf Inclusion (DI) Team provides support and advice for children and young people who are deaf. We use the term 'deaf' to refer to all levels of hearing loss. Where the word 'Deaf' is used it indicates someone who is culturally Deaf and who uses British Sign Language (BSL) as their first language.
- Address:Ballard House
26 West Hoe Road
PL1 3BJ - Contact number:01752 305252
- Address:Ballard House
Devon and Cornwall Chinese Association
Devon and Cornwall Chinese Association
The Devon and Cornwall Chinese Association is a non-political, non-religious organisation formed to serve and represent the interests of those members of the Chinese community.
- Address:Abbey House
North Road West
PL1 5DH - Contact number:01752 297936
- Address:Abbey House
Devon and Cornwall Furniture Reuse Project
Devon and Cornwall Furniture Reuse Project
We are a charity that donates furniture to those in need - such as families who are victims of domestic violence or homelessness among others. We will do all we can to help anyone in need.
- Address:97 Union Street
PL1 3NB - Contact number:01752 600277
- Address:97 Union Street
Devon and Cornwall Refugee Support
Devon and Cornwall Refugee Support
Devon and Cornwall Refugee Support provides advice, support, education, IT facilities and a friendly communal space for asylum seekers in the region.
- Address:Devon & Cornwall Refugee Support
7 Whimple Street
PL1 2DH - Contact number:01752 265952
- Address:Devon & Cornwall Refugee Support
Devon Home Choice
Devon Home Choice
Devon Home Choice is a way of looking for council and housing association homes. Choose homes the right home for you or move to another location in Devon.
- Address:71 New George Street
PL1 1RJ - Contact number:01752 305496
- Address:71 New George Street
Devonport High School for Boys
Devonport High School for Boys
Devonport High School for Boys provides a disciplined, caring environment in which students achieve levels of excellence that reflect their tremendous potential and our high expectations. Examination results and university entrance records are among the best in the country. In addition, we provide a remarkable range of co-curricular activities.
- Address:Devonport High School For Boys
Paradise Road
PL1 5QP - Contact number:01752 208787
- Address:Devonport High School For Boys
Devonport Views - Extra Care Housing
Devonport Views - Extra Care Housing
Devonport Views is one of LiveWest's extra-care housing schemes that would allow you to live as independently as possible in your own self-contained accommodation within a supported housing environment.
- Address:2 Wall Street
PL1 4FW - Contact number:01752 305 496 or 0300 123 8080
- Address:2 Wall Street
Disability Information and Advice Centre (DIAC)
Disability Information and Advice Centre (DIAC)
DIAC provides a specialist disability advocacy and casework service to support people with physical or sensory impairment, disability, long term health conditions and mental health issues.
- Address:Ernest English House
Buckwell Street
PL1 2DA - Contact number:01752 201766
- Address:Ernest English House
Edgcumbe Court - Nazareth Retirement Village
Edgcumbe Court - Nazareth Retirement Village
Edgcumbe Court enjoys wonderful facilities and a stunning seaside location. It is a small development of only 45 assisted living apartments within beautiful mature gardens with views and a summerhouse overlooking Plymouth Sound.
- Address:169 Durnford Street
PL1 3QR - Contact number:01752 749589 or 01752 600580
- Address:169 Durnford Street
Educating looked-after children within a virtual school
Educating looked-after children within a virtual school
A virtual school doesn't actually exist as a building and children and young people don't actually attend. It's a service provided to promote and support the education of looked-after children (children in care) and care leavers.
- Address:Ballard House
26 West Hoe Road
PL1 3BJ - Contact number:01752 307009
- Address:Ballard House
Face 2 Face Befriending Service
Face 2 Face Befriending Service
Face 2 Face is a service for, and delivered by, parents of children with a special need or disability.
- Address:The Virginia House Centre
Palace Street
PL1 2AY - Contact number:01752 204369
- Address:The Virginia House Centre
George House Homeless Hostel
George House Homeless Hostel
George House provides 46 en-suite units of temporary supported accommodation, including 2 specially adapted rooms for people with disabilities, for individuals and couples over the age of 18 who are homeless.
- Address:22A George Place
PL1 3NY - Contact number:01202 410 500
- Address:22A George Place
GHQ Training
GHQ Training
GHQ Training Ltd is a long established training provider recognised for delivering high quality training and development programmes across a wide range of business sectors.
- Address:1-2 Elizabeth Court
Whimple St
PL1 2DH - Contact number:01752 218086
- Address:1-2 Elizabeth Court
Green Ark Family Hub
Green Ark Family Hub
Green Ark Family Hub plays an essential role in giving children and families the early support they need. We aim to help every child get the best start in life.
- Address:1 Fore Street
PL1 4DW - Contact number:01752 686750
- Address:1 Fore Street
Havencare Homes and Support
Havencare Homes and Support
Havencare Homes and Support helps make a difference to people who have diagnoses of learning disabilities, brain injuries, autism and other support needs.
- Address:10 Union Street
PL1 2SR - Contact number:01752 251476
- Address:10 Union Street
Headway Plymouth
Headway Plymouth
Headway Plymouth is a charity that helps adults with acquired brain injuries (ABI) in Plymouth and the surrounding areas.
- Address:Headway House
Park Avenue
PL1 4RJ - Contact number:01752 550559
- Address:Headway House
High Street Primary Academy
High Street Primary Academy
High Street Primary School is a popular and successful primary school located in Plymouth's historic Stonehouse region.
- Address:High Street School
High Street
PL1 3SJ - Contact number:01752 225649
- Address:High Street School
Horizon Counselling Services
Horizon Counselling Services
We offer a fast and effective service that's easily accessible, with two different locations to choose from one in the city centre and one in Plympton.
- Address:3 The Crescent
PL1 3AB - Contact number:01752 221119
- Address:3 The Crescent
Horizons Children's Sailing Charity
Horizons Children's Sailing Charity
Horizons is a registered children's sailing charity based in Plymouth. Our aim is to help disadvantaged and disabled children from the inner city communities. We provide learning and educational opportunities that increase self-confidence and improve social and practical skills, through water-based activities that would normally be beyond the means of these children.
- Address:5 Richmond Walk
PL1 4LL - Contact number:01752 605800
- Address:5 Richmond Walk
Housing Options Service
Housing Options Service
Plymouth City Council's Housing Options Service can support you if you're homeless, threatened with homelessness, or would just like advice on a housing issue.
- Address:71 New George St
PL1 1RJ - Contact number:01752 668000
- Address:71 New George St
i-Grow Care and Support
i-Grow Care and Support
i-Grow Care and Support specialises in providing personalised care and support packages to individuals in Plymouth and the surrounding areas.
- Address:25 Phoenix Street
PL1 3DN - Contact number:01752 268777
- Address:25 Phoenix Street
Improving Lives Plymouth
Improving Lives Plymouth
A charity at the heart of our community, supporting and inspiring people to improve their health and wellbeing.
- Address:Ernest English House
Buckwell Street
PL1 2DA - Contact number:01752 201766
- Address:Ernest English House
Improving Lives Plymouth - Volunteering
Improving Lives Plymouth - Volunteering
Improving Lives Plymouth welcomes volunteers from all backgrounds and has various roles that people can help support.
- Address:Ernest English House
Buckwell Street
PL1 2DA - Contact number:01752 201766
- Address:Ernest English House
In Other Words group - Routeways
In Other Words group - Routeways
In Other Words is a group that supports children and young people aged between 8 and 18 years old with their mental health.
- Address:Devonport Park Activity Centre
Fore Street
PL1 4DU - Contact number:01752 856719
- Address:Devonport Park Activity Centre
Inclusion, Attendance and Welfare Service
Inclusion, Attendance and Welfare Service
Educational Welfare Officers work closely with schools, children and families to encourage and support good attendance at school. They also offer support in matters of safeguarding and child welfare.
- Address:Ballard House
26 West Hoe Road
PL1 3BJ - Contact number:01752 307405
- Address:Ballard House
Inclusive Sport and Activity Plymouth (ISAP)
Inclusive Sport and Activity Plymouth (ISAP)
Inclusive Sport and Activity Plymouth (ISAP) works to support more disabled people in the city to take part in sport and exercise. The strategic group currently consists of several organisations, including Plymouth City Council, Active Devon and Improving Lives Plymouth. The group meets regularly to review what is going on in the city and to identify any gaps in provision.
- Address:Ballard House
26 West Hoe Road
PL1 3BJ - Contact number:01752 307008
- Address:Ballard House
Independence @ Home Reablement Service
Independence @ Home Reablement Service
Our Independence@Home service offers short-term and emotional well-being support for adults with Physical and Sensory Disabilities, Learning Disabilities or those who need extra support following reablement from a stay within the hospital setting.
- Address:Ballard House
26 West Hoe Road
PL1 3BJ - Contact number:01752 668000
- Address:Ballard House
Information and Advice - Improving Lives Plymouth
Information and Advice - Improving Lives Plymouth
Information and Advice work in partnership with Citizen's Advice Plymouth to deliver the Advice Plymouth partnership.
- Address:Ernest English House
Buckwell Street
PL1 2DA - Contact number:0808 278 7910
- Address:Ernest English House
Insight - The Zone Plymouth
Insight - The Zone Plymouth
The Insight team works with people aged 18+ who live within Plymouth, who appear to be experiencing symptoms indicating the early onset of psychosis.
- Address:14 Union Street
PL1 2SR - Contact number:01752 265775
- Address:14 Union Street
Jeremiah's Journey
Jeremiah's Journey
Jeremiah's Journey is a charity for grieving children, young people and their families. We offer support to children and their families who live in Plymouth or the immediate surrounding area who have experienced the death of someone significant or is experiencing the anticipated death of a family member due to terminal illness.
- Address:Unit 10
237 Union Street
PL1 3HQ - Contact number:01752 424348
- Address:Unit 10
Life Beyond Caring Support Group
Life Beyond Caring Support Group
This group provides support for people who have been carers but are now no longer undertaking a caring role.
- Address:St Aubyn Church
Chapel Street
PL1 4DP - Contact number:01752 211243
- Address:St Aubyn Church
Little Squirrels Community Nursery
Little Squirrels Community Nursery
Little Squirrels Nursery is located in Devonport, Plymouth. Little Squirrels Nursery believes in enabling children to grow into independent, resilient learners through planned, purposeful play in a safe, nurturing learning environment.
- Address:100 Granby Street
PL1 4BN - Contact number:01752 500900
- Address:100 Granby Street
Little Stars Nursery
Little Stars Nursery
Little Stars Nursery is based in Stonehouse, Plymouth. Little Stars Nursery believes in enabling children to grow into independent, resilient learners through planned purposeful play in a safe, nurturing learning environment.
- Address:25 Manor Street
PL1 1TL - Contact number:01752 223181
- Address:25 Manor Street
Looked After Child and Youth Offending Team - Livewell Southwest
Looked After Child and Youth Offending Team - Livewell Southwest
The CAMHS Looked After Children team is for children and young people aged 0 - 19 years who are looked after by the Plymouth City Council.
- Address:Midland House
Notte Street
PL1 2EJ - Contact number:01752 434562
- Address:Midland House
Manor Street Family Hub
Manor Street Family Hub
Manor Street Family Hub plays an essential role in giving children and families the early support they need.
- Address:25 Manor Street
PL1 1TL - Contact number:01752 686750
- Address:25 Manor Street
Margaret McMillan's Nursery School
Margaret McMillan's Nursery School
Margaret McMillan's Nursery School uphold traditional family values and provide a safe, welcoming place for children from three months to five years.
- Address:Nursery
24 Hoe Street
PL1 2JA - Contact number:01752 664884
- Address:Nursery
Marlborough Primary Academy
Marlborough Primary Academy
Marlborough Primary Academy is fully committed to encouraging all our children to achieve their full potential in both learning and social development.
- Address:Marlborough Primary School
Morice Square
PL1 4NJ - Contact number:01752 567681
- Address:Marlborough Primary School
Mego Employment
Mego Employment
We work with people to improve their ability to attract employers and get hired. We know its easy to find jobs and candidates on the web but finding the right jobs and the right candidates is something else.
- Address:Thrive Hub
25 The Crescent
PL1 3AD - Contact number:01752 222280
- Address:Thrive Hub
Memory Matters
Memory Matters
Memory Matters is a Community Interest Company (CIC). We trade for public benefit rather than private gain and all of our projects and services are designed, developed and built on the needs of those affected by dementia.
- Address:69A New George St
PL1 1RJ - Contact number:01752 243333
- Address:69A New George St
Millbay Academy
Millbay Academy
Millbay Academy is an all-through school in Plymouth's Coastal Quarter. This is a place where everyone is important and where every moment counts.
- Address:22 Millbay Road
PL1 3EG - Contact number:01752 221927
- Address:22 Millbay Road
Mindful Art Club
Mindful Art Club
Mindful Art Club improves mental health and reduces social isolation using creativity and conversation. We empower people to make positive changes in their lives.
- Address:133 Armada Way
PL1 1HX - Contact number:07877290961
- Address:133 Armada Way
Mindset Training Services
Mindset Training Services
Here at Mindset training, we offer you support and guidance when you need it most. Our service offers you access to Short courses, CPD days, Corporate Training and online courses alongside our Counselling, Hypnotherapy, EMDR, CBT, Relationship and Family therapy all at times that are convenient to you whether that is during the day, evenings or at weekends.
- Address:4 The Crescent
PL1 3AB - Contact number:01752221119
- Address:4 The Crescent
Minster Church of St Andrew
Minster Church of St Andrew
As well as being a Christian, Anglican and Evangelical church, at St Andrew's we run many groups and activities for families, men, women and students.
- Address:St Andrews Church
Royal Parade
PL1 2AD - Contact number:01752 661414
- Address:St Andrews Church
Moments Cafe and Memory Matters Hub
Moments Cafe and Memory Matters Hub
Moments Café and Memory Matters Hub in Plymouth offer a group for anyone living with dementia and their carers where they can take part in different activities and to have a friendly chat.
- Address:69A New George Street
PL1 1RJ - Contact number:01752 219810
- Address:69A New George Street