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Eligibility criteria for adult social care and support

Eligibility Criteria For Adult Social Care and Support Panel

The Care Act 

The Care Act, a piece of legislation enacted by the UK government in 2014, outlines the legal framework for adult social care in England, including Plymouth. It establishes the rights of individuals to receive support and assistance to meet their care needs, regardless of their age or circumstances.

Find out more about the Care Act on the GOV.UK or the Social Care Institute for Excellence websites.

The Care and Support (Eligibility Criteria) Regulations 2015

The Care and Support (Eligibility Criteria) Regulations 2015 set out national eligibility criteria for access to adult care and support and for access to carer support. The same eligibility threshold applies across the country, and local authorities cannot restrict eligibility beyond this level.

An eligibility determination must be made after the needs assessment.

Plymouth and all local authorities have a duty to meet the eligible needs of carers, and the regulations and guidance set out how the eligibility threshold applies to carers.

Local authorities have the power to meet needs that are not considered eligible. This means that local authorities can support people at an early stage to help maintain wellbeing and independence and potentially delay a situation where longer-term care and support might be required.

The national eligibility criteria require that in order to be eligible, they must relate to an impairment or illness, meaning a person cannot achieve at least two outcomes in their day-to-day life, and that as a result, there is a significant impact on their wellbeing. The eligibility determination must be made without regard to whether a carer might be meeting those needs at the given time.

The Social Care Institute of Excellence has published various articles that explain how this works in more detail.



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