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Feeling well support using assistive aids and technology
Feeling well support using assistive aids and technology technology can assist an individual to monitor his or her health at home and then share their health data electronically with medical professionals at their hospital. There is a range of telehealth monitoring devices to monitor heart conditions, diabetes, etc.
Fencing - Buy With Confidence Plymouth
Fencing - Buy With Confidence Plymouth Buy With Confidence Scheme provides you with a list of local businesses which have given their commitment to trading fairly.
Finance (COVID-19)
Finance (COVID-19) information about money, budgets and finance to help you and your school.
Financial and legal support for carers
Financial and legal support for carers and legal information, help, and support for Plymouth's carers.
Financial help if you're disabled
Financial help if you're disabled is a wide range of disability-related financial support, including benefits, tax credits, payments, grants and concessions.
Financial support and entitlements
Financial support and entitlements yourself at any age can be hard, but knowing what you are entitled to can take some of the pressure off. There are a lot of different ways we are able to support you and point you in the right direction to find the help or advice you might need. The local offer here tells you what you can expect to receive, and you can also speak to your personal adviser (PA).
Financial support and grants for home adaptations
Financial support and grants for home adaptations independently in your own home for as long as possible is a common goal for many people as they age. Fortunately, there are financial resources available in Plymouth to help you make modifications to your home, improving accessibility and safety.