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Employment personal adviser (PA) will be able to help with finding a job if needed. You will talk about employment and write your goals into your pathway plan. If you're not sure what you want to do, then the National Careers Service website is a good place to start.
Employment and training
Employment and training you need support learning new skills or finding a job and are struggling with the cost of living, we have created a list of organisations that might be able to help you.
Employment and training for carers
Employment and training for carers who are employed now have improved rights, but not everyone knows how the law can work to support them.
Employment status of personal assistants factsheet
Employment status of personal assistants factsheet City Council does not encourage the hiring of self-employed personal assistants, as within employment law it is almost impossible for a personal assistant to be self-employed, and the service user can be taken to a tribunal and may have to pay unpaid tax and penalties.
Employment, skills and volunteering
Employment, skills and volunteering's a truth universally acknowledged that staying active and engaged is key to a fulfilling and healthy life, especially as we embrace our golden years.
Enable Payroll
Enable Payroll
We have been providing payroll services for over 20 years, developing and enhancing our service to meet the changing needs of our customers and to comply with the legislative changes. We ensure that you have all you need and most importantly, peace of mind.
- Address:Po Box 988
Delivery Office
62 North Road
BN1 3NT - Contact number:0203 137 4406
- Address:Po Box 988
End-of-life and palliative care
End-of-life and palliative care we age, staying independent and living comfortably in our own homes becomes increasingly important. However, life-limiting illnesses can present challenges that make daily living difficult.
Ending a relationship
Ending a relationship are certain things you need to do when you separate from your partner in England or Wales.
Energy and money saving ideas
Energy and money saving ideas fuel and money saving booklet has been created by Transforming Plymouth Together to help households with the cost of living increases, in particular food and energy prices.
Engaging families and young carers - Young Carers
Engaging families and young carers - Young Carers resources and research linked to supporting hidden young carers or engaging with families.