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Care and personal safety support using assistive aids and technology
Care and personal safety support using assistive aids and technology safety and safety in the home is vitally important to everyone. To enhance safety in the home there are several alarm systems available that will sound an alert if, for example, smoke or water is detected. Other personal alarm systems can be used to alert for assistance if someone finds themselves in difficulty.
Care and residential homes in Plymouth
Care and residential homes in Plymouth and residential homes provide accommodation and personal care.
Care and support
Care and support section contains a selection of useful articles from the NHS website that you might find useful.
Care and support jargon buster
Care and support jargon buster Care and Support Jargon Buster is a plain English guide to the most commonly used health and social care words and phrases and what they mean.
Care and support plans
Care and support plans and support plans are for anyone who needs care or cares for someone else. It explains the type of support you need, how this support will be given, and how much money the council will spend on your care.
Care Control
Care Control
Care Control enables you to create electronic care plans for care homes. This complete digital care management system is designed to operate on any tablet, mobile or desktop device. And, being created by a care home for care homes, we've made it easy for all care staff to use. To put it simply, Care Control can be considered to be the best electronic care plan system available for care homes.
- Address:23 Atlas House
West Devon Business Park
PL19 9DP - Contact number:01822 738100
- Address:23 Atlas House
Care Home Resource Centre
Care Home Resource Centre, advice, and resources for care homes in Plymouth.
Care Home Search
Care Home Search for a care or residential home in Plymouth.
Care home service articles
Care home service articles -
Care home top-up fees
Care home top-up fees your choice of care home accommodation costs more than the council is willing to pay, someone else can make up the difference between that figure and the home's fee. This is known as a third-party top-up fee.