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Buy With Confidence Scheme in Plymouth
Buy With Confidence Scheme in Plymouth Buy With Confidence Scheme provides you with a list of local businesses that have shown their commitment to trading fairly. All the businesses listed on this website have been vetted and approved by Trading Standards to ensure that they operate in a legal, honest, and fair way.
C@SHiP - Sexual Health in Plymouth
C@SHiP - Sexual Health in Plymouth
The C@SHiP scheme is a confidential service which entitles anyone aged 13-24 living in Plymouth & Cornwall quick and easy access to free regular condoms every 12 weeks.
- Address:Derriford Hospital
Derriford Road
PL6 8DH - Contact number:01752 431124
- Address:Derriford Hospital
Calculate your heart age
Calculate your heart age 'Calculate your heart age' service compares your real age to your heart age by asking you questions about your health and by implementing the Joint British Societies recommendations on the prevention of Cardiovascular Disease (JBS3) algorithm
Calendar of events - Mind The Gap
Calendar of events - Mind The Gap of events from Mind The Gap.
Calibre Audio Library
Calibre Audio Library
Calibre Audio Library improves the quality of life for people with sight problems or other disabilities, who cannot read, print by bringing them the pleasure of reading through a free nationwide postal service of recorded books.
- Contact number:01296 432 339
Call 01752 304837
Call 01752 304837
Camellia House
Camellia House
Camellia House is a large end of terrace building and is located in a cul-de-sac close to Stoke Village, Plymouth.
- Address:5 Belmont Place
PL3 4DN - Contact number:01752 509697
- CQC Rating:Good
- Address:5 Belmont Place