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SEND SAS (COVID-19) information about SEND SAS to help you and your school.
SEND Short Breaks (COVID-19)
SEND Short Breaks (COVID-19) information about SEND Short Breaks to help you and your school.
SEND Strategic Advice and Support (SEND SAS)
SEND Strategic Advice and Support (SEND SAS)
The Council's SEND Strategic Advice and Support (SEND SAS) offers high quality support and advice to early years settings, schools and 14-25 providers in order to develop their practice and provision for pupils with SEND.
- Address:Ballard House
26 West Hoe Road
PL1 3BJ - Contact number:01752 260256
- Address:Ballard House
SEND Strategic Board
SEND Strategic Board Plymouth, we have a SEND Strategic Board who meet six times a year to oversee the progress of the improvement work in the City regarding children and young people with SEND.
SEND Strategic Board Terms of Reference, Membership and Roles
SEND Strategic Board Terms of Reference, Membership and Roles purpose of this group is to work collaboratively across agencies, including family voice, to oversee the provision for Plymouth children with SEND, and to develop and implement the agreed SEND Strategy.
SEND Teams
SEND Teams Teams that help support Plymouth's Local Offer for young people between 5 and 11 years old.
SEND Teams
SEND Teams Teams that help support Plymouth's Local Offer for young people between 0 and 5 years old.
SEND Teams
SEND Teams Teams that help support Plymouth's Local Offer for young people as they prepare for adulthood.
SEND Teams
SEND Teams Teams that help support Plymouth's Local Offer for young people between 11 and 18 years old.
SEND Teams - SENCO Guide
SEND Teams - SENCO Guide the Local offer, you will also find information for a number of SEND teams with the Council.