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SEND Children's Occupational Therapy Service
SEND Children's Occupational Therapy Service
The Council's SEND Children's Occupational Therapy Service provides support and services to children and young people (up to age 18) and their families, with permanent, substantial and/or complex physical disabilities.
- Address:Ballard House
26 West Hoe Road
PL1 3BJ - Contact number:01752 668000
- Address:Ballard House
SEND complaints and mediation
SEND complaints and mediation's important to understand your rights to mediation services and appeals. This guide outlines the dispute resolution process in Plymouth.
SEND consultations
SEND consultations our current consultation documents and have your say about how the Local Offer is delivered in Plymouth.
SEND decision making in Plymouth
SEND decision making in Plymouth Plymouth, we have a SEND Strategic Board who meet six times a year to oversee the progress of the improvement work in the City regarding children and young people with SEND.
SEND Early Years Inclusion Service (COVID-19)
SEND Early Years Inclusion Service (COVID-19) information about SEND Early Years Inclusion Service to help you and your school.
SEND Education Health and Care Plans (COVID-19)
SEND Education Health and Care Plans (COVID-19) information about SEND Information about Education Health and Care Plans and Annual Reviews - 0-25 SEND Statutory Assessment Team to help you and your school.
SEND Local Offer
SEND Local Offer Local Offer explains the support and services that are available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged 0 to 25 years.
SEND Local Offer Homepage
SEND Local Offer Homepage Local Offer explains the support and services that are available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged 0 to 25 years.
SEND organisations, links and resources - Graduated approach to Inclusion - SENCO Guide
SEND organisations, links and resources - Graduated approach to Inclusion - SENCO Guide section provides links to websites, documents, reports or books that provide user reviews, research, or guidance on the efficacy of commercial programmes and resourcing.
SEND Professionals (COVID-19)
SEND Professionals (COVID-19) information for SEND Professionals to help you and your school.