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Search for a LGBTQIA+ support group or organisation
Search for a LGBTQIA+ support group or organisation for a LGBTQIA+ support group or organisation in Plymouth
Search for a Nursery School in Plymouth
Search for a Nursery School in Plymouth for a Nursery School in Plymouth
Search for a Pre-School, Day Nursery and Out-Of-School Care in Plymouth
Search for a Pre-School, Day Nursery and Out-Of-School Care in Plymouth for a Pre-School, Day Nursery and Out-Of-School Care in Plymouth
Search for a sexual health-related support group and organisation
Search for a sexual health-related support group and organisation for a sexual health-related support group or organisation in Plymouth.
Seasonal affective disorder
Seasonal affective disorder affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that comes and goes in a seasonal pattern.
Seat are available within all of our cemeteries, and can be personalised with a plaque
Seat hoists, lifts and transfer aids
Seat hoists, lifts and transfer aids independence in your home often hinges on your ability to move safely and efficiently around your living space. However, age-related changes in mobility, strength, and balance can make transferring from a seated position, between locations, or in and out of the bath or shower a daunting task.
Seating this section, you'll find information on a variety of seating solutions, equipment, and aids, all aimed at helping you sit down, get up, and helping you live life to the fullest.
Seaton Avenue Supported Accommodation - Colebrook
Seaton Avenue Supported Accommodation - Colebrook offer supported housing with flexible packages of support for vulnerable people in the city, with mental health and/or learning disabilities.