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Plymouth Wellbeing Hubs
Plymouth Wellbeing Hubs throughout Plymouth, the Wellbeing Hubs make it easier for you to access information, health, and community services.
Plymouth Woodturners
Plymouth Woodturners
Plymouth Woodturners is a non-profit organization set up to promote the wonderful craft of woodturning. If you have never turned wood, you should try it, it is extremely satisfying. Forming a shapeless lump of wood into a thing of beauty, working with hands, eyes and brain; devising shapes, actually producing something you can cherish, use, give away or sell.
- Address:Pilgrim Church
St. Levan Road
- Address:Pilgrim Church
Plymouth Young Carers
Plymouth Young Carers
Plymouth Young Carers has a support group that meets every Tuesday at Efford Youth Centre.
- Address:Efford Community Centre
Blandford Road
PL3 6HU - Contact number:01752 776853
- Address:Efford Community Centre
Plymouth Young Carers
Plymouth Young Carers Community Youth work team delivers a city-wide support programme for young carers that is designed to provide respite from their caring role, enable young carers to meet like-minded people, and have someone to talk to whilst engaging in fun, positive activities.
Plymouth Young Carers Contact Details Confirmation
Plymouth Young Carers Contact Details Confirmation -
Plymouth Young Carers Service
Plymouth Young Carers Service
The Plymouth Young Carers Service is for young people under 18 who live in Plymouth and have caring responsibilities.
- Address:Holborn Street
PL4 0NN - Contact number:0800 027 4431
- Address:Holborn Street
Plymouth's Education Co-Production and Participation Framework
Plymouth's Education Co-Production and Participation Framework aim of this document is to act as a guide for anyone wishing to co-produce with their community. It looks at what co-production and other participation options are, and what it means to those who use the services in Plymouth.
Plymouth's history and heritage
Plymouth's history and heritage's Ocean City is home to breath-taking views, plenty to see and do and lots of fresh, sea air. The waterfront location plays centre stage in the city's fascinating history, from sea captain Sir Francis Drake setting off to circumnavigate the world, to the sailing of the Mayflower in 1620.
Plymouth's Lifeboat Station (RNLI) - Volunteering
Plymouth's Lifeboat Station (RNLI) - Volunteering
Do you have a passion for saving lives at sea? Plymouth's Lifeboat Station, part of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), is looking for dedicated volunteers to join their team and help them in their life-saving efforts.
- Address:Old Custom House
Custom House Lane
PL1 3EQ - Contact number:01752 662623
- Address:Old Custom House
Plymouth's SEND Local Offer
Plymouth's SEND Local Offer Local Offer explains the support and services that are available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged 0 to 25 years.