Search Test
P.H.S.S. - Plymouth Hypermobilty Support and Sharing
P.H.S.S. - Plymouth Hypermobilty Support and Sharing
P.H.S.S. -Plymouth Hypermobilty Support and Sharing is an in-person support group that helps people with a hypermobility spectrum disorder or Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and their friends or carers.
- Address:9 Adelaide Street
PL1 3JE - Contact number:01752 569673
- Address:9 Adelaide Street
PADAN (Plymouth Area Disability Action Network)
PADAN (Plymouth Area Disability Action Network)
PADAN (Plymouth Area Disability Action Network) started in 2000 as Plymouth DAN and registered as a charity in 2011 to provide a collective voice supporting and empowering local disabled people. The aims of the group are to encourage a greater understanding of disability issues and to challenge discrimination and inequalities in society.
- Address:Registered Office
C/O Ernest English House
Buckwell Street
PL1 2DA - Contact number:01752 201766
- Address:Registered Office
PADS (Plymouth, Anxiety, Depression Support)
PADS (Plymouth, Anxiety, Depression Support)
P.A.D.S is an informal mental health support group run by adults with mental health issues for adults with mental health issues. It's somewhere where adults with mental health issues can all come together for coffee and a chat.
- Contact number:07902528562
Painters and Decorators - Buy With Confidence Plymouth
Painters and Decorators - Buy With Confidence Plymouth Buy With Confidence Scheme provides you with a list of local businesses which have given their commitment to trading fairly.
Palliative Care - Derriford Hospital
Palliative Care - Derriford Hospital
St Luke's Services provides a seamless specialist palliative care service across all care settings under one management team. The service consists of staff from Plymouth Hospitals Trust, three local Healthcare Trusts and St Luke's, the independent charitable hospice.
- Address:Derriford Hospital
Derriford Road
PL6 8DH - Contact number:01752 202082
- Address:Derriford Hospital
Panel article test
Panel article test -
Panel Child 1 - body metadata
Panel Child 1 - body metadata -
Panel Child 2 - background and keep reading metadata
Panel Child 2 - background and keep reading metadata