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Military and veterans directory
Military and veterans directory the military and veterans directory of local services and organisations.
Milk & More
Milk & More
The milkman has been an essential part of British life for generations, and with Milk & More online you'll discover how quickly we'll become an essential part of your life, too. Search for groceries and order online.
- Contact number:0345 606 3606
Mill Ford Community Special School
Mill Ford Community Special School
Mill Ford Community Special School is a school with a specialism in meeting the needs of children and young adults with complex needs, including severe and profound and multiple learning difficulties, complex medical needs and autistic spectrum conditions.
- Address:Mill Ford School
Rochford Crescent
PL5 2PY - Contact number:01752 300270
- Address:Mill Ford School
Millbay Academy
Millbay Academy
Millbay Academy is an all-through school in Plymouth's Coastal Quarter. This is a place where everyone is important and where every moment counts.
- Address:22 Millbay Road
PL1 3EG - Contact number:01752 221927
- Address:22 Millbay Road
Millbrook Healthcare
Millbrook Healthcare
We are an independent family-owned business, specialising in the provision of high-quality community equipment, wheelchair, assistive technology and home improvement agency services to the NHS and local authorities.
- Address:Unit D
33 Estover Road
PL6 7PY - Contact number:0800 988 2210
- Address:Unit D
Mind The Gap
Mind The Gap Mind The Gap programme was developed to deliver the NHS Long-Term Plan Commitment to improve identification and support of carers from communities less likely to use and/or have positive experiences of services.
MindEd is a free educational resource on children and young people's mental health for all adults working with them. It is run by NHS England.
Mindful Art Club
Mindful Art Club
Mindful Art Club improves mental health and reduces social isolation using creativity and conversation. We empower people to make positive changes in their lives.
- Address:133 Armada Way
PL1 1HX - Contact number:07877290961
- Address:133 Armada Way
MindSafe is a new tool to improve your schools pastoral care. A private, personal media where your pupils can access support.
Mindset Training Services
Mindset Training Services
Here at Mindset training, we offer you support and guidance when you need it most. Our service offers you access to Short courses, CPD days, Corporate Training and online courses alongside our Counselling, Hypnotherapy, EMDR, CBT, Relationship and Family therapy all at times that are convenient to you whether that is during the day, evenings or at weekends.
- Address:4 The Crescent
PL1 3AB - Contact number:01752221119
- Address:4 The Crescent