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Home automation support using assistive aids and technology
Home automation support using assistive aids and technology can use home automation technology to help make your life easier around the home. Some solutions even let you manage your home remotely, or use it to check on a relative that needs additional support.
Home Care Assistant jobs in Plymouth
Home Care Assistant jobs in Plymouth you know that by working as a Home Care Assistant you can choose the hours that suit you?
Home Instead
Home Instead
We know that finding care for a loved one isn't easy. With so many options and choices, it can be hard to know where to turn. But our care begins with you.
- Address:G25-G30
Kilworthy Park
PL19 0BZ - Contact number:01822 367942
- Address:G25-G30
Home Library Service
Home Library Service
The Home Library Service is for Plymouth residents who want to borrow books and audiobooks but who are unable to get to a library; either through ill health, injury or disability.
- Contact number:01752 305900
Home security
Home security a sense of security in your home is essential for peace of mind and independent living. However, age-related changes can make you feel more vulnerable to break-ins, accidents, or emergencies within the home.
Home Start - South and West Devon
Home Start - South and West Devon
Home-Start South & West Devon supports parents with at least one child under 12 who are dealing with a range of issues.
- Address:Rees Youth & Community Centre
Mudge Way
PL7 2PS - Contact number:07307 873163
- Address:Rees Youth & Community Centre
Homeless and rough sleeping
Homeless and rough sleeping you're looking for somewhere to live or worried about losing your accommodation, it's important to talk to the council as soon as possible, as we can provide help, advice, and support to prevent you from becoming homeless.
Homelessness are homeless if you have nowhere to stay and are living on the streets, but you can be homeless even if you have a roof over your head.
HomeLife Carers
HomeLife Carers
HomeLife Carers offers local, friendly home care services across Devon to you or your loved ones with quality, professional assistance in the comfort of your own home.
- Address:97 Newnham Road
PL7 4AU - Contact number:01884 233 700
- Address:97 Newnham Road