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Provider Resource Portal

Information, advice, and resources specifically for Plymouth's health and social care providers, which include care homes, nursing homes, domiciliary care, supporting living, and day care services

Contact us

If you have any questions, please email the Commissioning Team via or call our Contact Centre on 01752 668000

Please note that the email mailbox is not monitored over bank holidays and weekends, and our Contact Centre is open Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm

In the event of an urgent issue, please contact the Out of Hours Plymouth Emergency Duty Service by emailing or calling 01752 346984

Health and Social Care Coordinators are working to increase skills and improve recruitment. To get in contact, please email 


Latest notices and updates 

Care Home Resource Centre Computer Cogs Icon (via FlatIcon)

Provider Outbreak Report

Please complete our short online Provider Outbreak Report form to let us know if you have an infection outbreak, how many people are affected, and the dates.

The information you submit will help ensure our Commissioning Team can support you in the best possible way.


Care Home Resource Centre Activities Grey Icon (via FlatIcon)

Safeguarding referral reminder 

The Advice Line is not for referrals but is intended for anyone who is concerned about an adult(s) and thinks they may be in need of the statutory safeguarding process​.

The phone number is 01752 304401.

You will be directed to an answer phone, which is monitored twice a day at 10:30am and 3:30pm by PCC Safeguarding Adults Team​

To make a formal referral, please use the following link: Report adult abuse or neglect | PLYMOUTH.GOV.UK

Safeguarding Helpline (PDF, 45 KB)


Care Home and Nursing Home Provider Portal

Information, advice, and resources for care home and nursing home providers in Plymouth.

View section (Go to Care Home and Nursing Home Provider Portal)

Domiciliary Care Provider Portal

Information, advice, and resources for domiciliary care providers in Plymouth.

View section (Go to Domiciliary Care Provider Portal)

Supported Living Provider Portal

COMING SOON! Information, advice, and resources for supported living providers in Plymouth.

View section (Go to Supported Living Provider Portal)

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