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Job support and job adverts for neurodivergent people

Autistic and neurodivergent (ND) people looking for work have a broad range of skills, abilities, interests and personal qualities that make them great candidates for prospective employers in Plymouth and across Devon. Some people may have a need for specific types of support to help secure paid employment.

For neurodivergent people, it is really important to highlight the need for targeted employment support tailored to the person when this is highlighted as being required, as not everybody will need this.

Listed below are several targeted employment support services in Plymouth and Devon designed to help people navigate the job market, understand job requirements, and prepare for interviews.

Plymouth Autism Spectrum Service (P.A.S.S.)

The Plymouth Autism Spectrum Service (P.A.S.S.) offers a dedicated and specialist service for adults with autism. Their team includes occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, social workers, and other allied health professionals. They provide:

  • Autism Assessments
  • Advice Services
  • Training and Consultation Services

For more information, please visit the P.A.S.S. website.


Pluss is a social enterprise that supports people with disabilities, including autism, in finding employment. They offer a range of specialist local employment services and direct employment within their own commercial enterprises. Pluss operates throughout Southwest England and provides:

  • Specialist employment support
  • Job matching services
  • Work preparation programs

Pluss provides a dedicated employment support service for ND job seekers; you will need to be referred to this by your Disability Employment Advisor from the Department of Work and Pensions.

Pluss also provides a specialist service for people who have a learning disability to help them into paid work. This service helps individuals with learning disabilities to prepare for and find paid work. They focus on building confidence and skills to match you with the right job. Services include:

  • Confidence building
  • Skill development
  • Job matching

For more information, please visit the Pluss website.

Colleges in Plymouth and Devon

Several colleges in Plymouth and Devon offer support services for autistic students to help them transition into employment:

  • University of St. Mark & St. John (Marjon University): Marjon University provides a range of support services, including employability programs, internships, and professional qualifications to enhance students' career prospects.
  • Southwest Autism Support Services: Based in Exeter, this organisation offers 1-on-1 mentoring, tutoring, and group sessions to support autistic individuals in their educational and employment journeys.

SEND Local Offer

The SEND Local Offer provides information on the support and services available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged 0 to 25 years. This includes:

  • Educational Support
  • Health and Wellbeing Services
  • Social Care Services
  • Transition to Adulthood Support

For more information, please visit the SEND Local Offer website.

Apprenticeships in Plymouth and Devon

Apprenticeships offer a great way to gain work experience while earning a qualification. Plymouth City Council and other local organisations provide various apprenticeship opportunities in different fields. Some key points include:

  • Real job with training: Apprenticeships combine practical work with study.
  • Nationally recognised qualification: Gain qualifications while working.
  • Supportive environment: Receive support from mentors and colleagues.

For more information, please visit the apprenticeships page.

Internship offers in Plymouth and Devon

Internships provide valuable work experience and can be a stepping stone to full-time employment. Various organisations in Plymouth and Devon offer internships, including:

  • University of Plymouth: Offers a range of internships through their Careers Service.
  • Enterprise Mobility: Provides one-year management placements.
  • Continental: Offers internships in various fields.

For more information, please visit the University of Plymouth Internships website.

Plymouth Autistic Adults Group (PAAG)

PAAG is a peer-support group that offers a safe space for autistic adults to meet, socialise, and support each other. They also provide resources and training for employers looking to hire a diverse workforce. PAAG organises:

  • Peer-support meetings
  • Social activities
  • Employer training programs

For more information, please visit the PAAG website.



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