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Whiz Kidz

Delivering a range of employability programmes and career experiences to young people aged 13-25....

Whiz Kidz is a non-profit making company which works with young people aged 13 - 25, addressing issues that may be hampering their chances of employment:

Contacts details

Address:Unit 34
Scott Business Park
Beacon Park Road
Telephone number: 01752 560360
Website address:

Employability Skills
Ensuring that skill sets match up with potential employers expectations

Self employment
Helping young people with what they will need to know to be able to work for themselves

Business start up
Looking at everything from your idea through to trading. We'll help you make it a reality.

Mentoring for young people
We offer a tailored matching service from our pool of volunteer mentors to support young people when they need it most.

Signposting to support agencies and training providers
We work in partnership with a number of organisations and can arrange direct referrals saving time and so keeping up the momentum.



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Based: Plymouth
  • 12 to 16 years old
  • 17 to 25 years old
  • ADHD
  • Anxiety
  • Autism
  • Communication impairments
  • Hearing impairments
  • Learning disabilities
  • Mental health
  • Physical disabilities

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