A to Z Directory of asylum seeker and refugee groups and organisations
The asylum seeker and refugee-related groups and organisations shown below can either help you directly or provide information and support.
To find out more about how they can help you, please contact them using the phone number, email, or website address they have provided.
Additional groups and organisations that can provide support to asylum seekers and refugees
Baby Basics
Baby Basics supports new mothers and families who are struggling to meet the financial and practical burden of looking after a new baby.
Phone 07598 214530
Email babybasicsplymouth@gmail.com
Website baby-basics.org.uk
OHOB (Open Hearts Open Borders)
OHOB is a humanitarian aid charity that provides practical resettlement support to refugees and asylum seekers, and household support to others who experience disadvantages due to socio-economic status or circumstance.
Email info@ohob.org.uk
Website ohob.org.uk
Refugee Integration Service (RIS)
Refugee Integration Service provides housing-related support to refugees. It aims to help refugees to set up and keep their accommodation.
Phone 01752 255889
Email info@pathdevon.org
Website pathdevon.org/refugee-integration-service.html
Amber Initiatives
Asylum Seekers and Refugees - Livewell Southwest
Devon and Cornwall Refugee Support
Ethnic Minority Achievement Team
Migrant Social Integration
Open Doors International Language School (ODILS)
Plymouth Access to Housing (PATH)
Plymouth and District Racial Equality Council
Plymouth Resettlement Support Service (PRSS)