Sexual health

This section contains information about sexual health, including emergency contraception, STIs, free condoms and clinics.
Sexual Health in Plymouth (SHiP) is a partnership of experienced organisations working together to deliver sexual health, HIV, contraception and abortion services for Plymouth, East Cornwall and South West Devon.
Plymouth has four sexual health clinics:
Explore the articles below to view information, advice and signposting to organisations and services that can help you.
Search for a sexual health-related support group or organisation
View an A to Z Directory of sexual health-related support groups and organisations

Emergency contraception in Plymouth
Emergency contraception can prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or if the contraception you have used has failed - for example, a condom has split or you have missed a pill.
View page (Go to Emergency contraception in Plymouth )
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
If you're worried you have got an STI, go for a check-up at a sexual health clinic as soon as you can.
View page (Go to Sexually transmitted infections (STIs))
Can you become addicted to sex?
Some sex and relationships experts believe people can become addicted to the enjoyable feeling or "high" experienced during sex and sexual activity, but others disagree.
View page (Go to Can you become addicted to sex?)