A to Z Directory of autism and ADHD groups and organisations
The autism and ADHD-related groups and organisations shown below can either help you directly or provide information and support.
To find out more about how they can help you, please contact them using the phone number, email, or website address they have provided.
Additional groups and organisations that can provide support autism and ADHD
Better Futures
Better Futures provides support for adults aged 18 and older with autism and learning disabilities.
Phone 01752 776775
Email betterfutures@improvinglivesplymouth.org.uk
Website improvinglivesplymouth.org.uk/our-services/better-futures-learning-disability-supportadvice
Clip'N Climb
Clip'N Climb is a rock climbing centre that, every Sunday morning at 9am, holds autism and SEN-friendly sessions, providing children with additional needs the opportunity to enjoy the facilities in a quieter, calmer environment and meet other families in similar circumstances.
Phone 01752 717567
Website plymouth.clipnclimb.co.uk
eLIVEate provides creative and dynamic person-centred support for people with learning disabilities who are living or wish to live in Plymouth
Phone 01752 936358
Email info@eliveate.co.uk
Website eliveatesupport.co.uk
Marbles Lost and Found
Marbles Lost and Found provides mental health support and awareness, peer support groups, information, and resources on a wide range of conditions and disorders, including autism and ADHD.
Email enquiries@marbleslostandfound.co.uk
Website marbleslostandfound.co.uk
Quiet at the Aquarium
The National Marine Aquarium on the Barbican holds special events for those with sensory needs at least twice a year and tends to be 2 hours long. Allows families and individuals to enjoy the exhibits without too much noise or distraction.
Phone 0844 893 7938
Trauma Informed Plymouth Network
The TIPN is a collaborative, community network that welcomes all individuals who have experienced childhood, later life adversity, and/or trauma. Anyone affected by adversity or trauma, including those with autism/ADHD, can join the TIPN as a member and/or access support, resources, and attend events, all of which aim to help make Plymouth a trauma-informed city.
Email info@tipn.org
Website traumainformedplymouth.org

0-25 Statutory Assessment Team

AbilityNet - A Digital World Accessible to All

Able Futures

Achieve Together

Amped Music Therapy
Animate Theatre

ARC (Autism Resource Centre)

Beckly Sensations - Routeways


Brandon Trust

Colebrook Southwest

Communication Interaction Team

Complete Communication Ltd

Creative Curiosities SW