Eating Disorder Service Plymouth
Eating Disorder Service (EDS) is a charity established in 1995. EDS is funded by the NEW Devon Clinical Commissioning Group, to support those with a recognisable eating disorder.
The EDS office is based in Plymouth and largely serves the population of Plymouth. However, the service additionally covers the West Devon area.
Contacts details
This organisation provides support, information and understanding to sufferers, carers and other professionals in Plymouth, West Devon (including Tavistock, Ivybridge, S Brent, Kingsbridge) and South Devon & Torbay .
The Eating Disorders Service can provide psycho-education, information, individual and group therapy for those suffering from Eating Disorders, carer support and training to other agencies.
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Monday to Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm,
Closed Weekends and Bank Holidays
- 17 to 25 years old
- 26 to 64 years old
- Eating disorders
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