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Mount Tamar School

Mount Tamar School is maintained by Plymouth City Council for children who have an Educational, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) describing Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) and/or an Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC). 

Contacts details

Address:Mount Tamar School
Row Lane
Telephone number: 01752 365128
Get Directions View on Google Maps

Mount Tamar School recognises that all behaviour is meaningful communication and related to stress responses. As a school that supports those identified as having communication and interaction difficulties, autism, and social, emotional, and mental health difficulties, the pupils at Mount Tamar have or do use challenging behaviour.

Our aims are

To inspire our young people to become successful, adaptable, and passionate learners with high expectations for their futures. 

To provide an adventure as they progress through our school, offering a safe, caring, friendly environment in which students are happy and confident and feel valued and supported.

To give each student the skills they need to achieve a happy and successful life and develop into positive members of the community. 

Each student will be individually supported through

  • A personalised learning programme
  • Having access to up-to-date technology
  • Having a range of vocational and academic opportunities
  • Opportunities for work skills and skills for life
  • Support to develop their wellbeing and appropriate behaviour
  • Opportunities to develop independence and confidence
  • A partnership with home
  • Therapeutic support
  • A flexible, challenging learning environment that includes learning in the outdoor classroom


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Plymouth uses an orange 'Local Offer icon' to show services that define themselves as suitable for children and young people with SEND. These are part of Plymouth's SEND Local Offer. We recommend that you contact the service provider to make sure the service is suitable for your child or young person.

Age range
  • Primary - 5 to 11 years

  • Based: Plymouth
    Childcare Type:
    • School
    Age ranges:
    • Special needs school - 3 to 19 years
    Wheelchair access information: Yes
    Dietary needs information: Yes
    Special needs information: Yes

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